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I'm not sure what you are saying he said. The tarp was put on the field after the top of the sixth. They would wait to see if it would clear. If not then they would try the next day. If Phillie had been ahead when they suspended and they couldn't resume then Philadelphia would be the winners because it had reached full game status. Because TB tied the game and they couldn't resume then they went to a suspended game.
Was there something more to the VP's statement that I'm not aware of. The guys were talking and I didn't hear everything he said.
Postseason rules need to be different than regular season rules. If a game is stopped for weather in the playoffs it needs to be picked up next day as is. Get rid of the 5th inning is a complete game stuff. I see why you have to have it in regular season but playoffs are the playoffs - play the game out. Don't start over because you will probably hurt one team over the other.

I know there is no perfect solution but the fairest thing is to just start back where it stopped.

Plus start the games around 7:45 so it's not close to midnight when they get done. Let kids be able to watch the game and still get in bed around 11:00 - 11:15 (and me too).
Evidently that is what he said. I thought you were talking about the VP that was on right after the suspension. I wasn't aware of Selig's statement or meeting before the game. It's interesting that he is inserting his power but it's his and he can do as he pleases. I would have hated to see the game called at 4 1/2. I don't care who wins so I can be neutral on this. Now if my team were in it I don't know I could say that. I would hope I could but who knows.

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