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Still trying to figure out how this all works.


My son is a 2016 and has had various levels of interest from schools.  He has received a few offers, while others have said they "remain interested". One of the offers is from one on his list of Top Five schools he'd be interested in attending.


Due to other commitments, he does not play in the Fall, so will likely make his decision by early/mid-August, after the various PG events down in GA.


The question is whether one should contact those schools that have said they are "interested", but have not made an offer, before the player commits, or, since they never made an offer, there is no reason to call as they would've made an offer were they truly interested.


My thought is that the schools know the timing as to when kids commit, so, if they have not made an offer, they are not likely to just because a kid calls them to say he's looking to commit to XYZ school.


If a school has made an offer, then the kid owes that school a call to advise them of his decision.

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I would contact the ones that are "interested" in your son (but no offer) that he is very interested in. Tell them you have x offers but are very interested in their school if interested and would like to make that decision by "x" date. Otherwise, I wouldn't necessarily contact every school who is saying they are interested. Certainly once he makes his decision anyone who has made an offer he should call the same night, BEFORE he puts it all over social media

Originally Posted by Just-A-Dad:

chefmike:  Thanks for insight. Kinda what I thought, but appreciate the verification.  He  has 2-3 schools that are on his "list" that would meet the criteria of calling, so it would be a quick thing to do. Fortunately, he got an offer early from a Top Five school of his, so he's in a nice spot.

I agree that it's a great approach.  I'd recommend that he basically let them know which PG tournaments he'll be playing and that he just wanted to reiterate his interest in their program.  Then he can let them know that he is planning on finalizing his decision by the end of August and leave it at that.  If August comes and goes with no offer, then you know one wasn't coming anyway.

Then focus on the offers at hand and make the best choice.  The good news is he already has one opportunity in his top 5.


Best of luck.

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