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I am a 17 year old senior who plays on 2 scout teams this fall that are wood bat teams. I keep breaking bats in BP and someone told me about composite bats. Does anyone use one? What do you think? I don't have a problem swinging a heavy bat. I had a bamboo bat but I broke that one too. I know I need to work on my mechanics but until they are better, I can't afford to keep replacing bats!
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I can give opinion based on SON'S experience. My son plays in a wood bat fall league and many wood bat tournaments throughout the year, also takes BP with wood bats. He likes trying out different bats and has MANY. He was very excited about the composite bats and BEGGED to get one. (I believe he might even have two)Initially he thought it was great, but when the next season came around he was picking out non composite wood bats again. I asked why and he said he liked the feel better and whether it's true or or not he felt that the bat lost some "pop" after a while. and like I said earlier, whether true or not, once something's in a ballplayer's head..... Wink

So, his opinion is- no more composite. But keep in mind he hasn't had ALOT of broken bats and unfortunately isn't TERRIBLY concerned with cost since mom pays for them ha ha ha
My son has a Demarini composite bat - it has a maple barrel and composite handle. It was used when it received it (I think it had been used by a college team). He used it during last fall's games, plus the entire past year in batting practice. It is practically indestructable, with good feel with the maple barrel and pretty good pop. It is pricey - around $100.

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