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Congratulations to Josh and the Fiola family. It is one great feeling to get a chance to keep on playing and seeing how close you can get to that dream. Having that Dartmouth diploma is a pretty nice booster too. applaude Imagine there will be a good possibility he will be playing in Aberdeen in the NY/PENN league where he may well be facing Josh Bell.
Thanks to all for who followed Josh and for the thoughts and prayers he received.

A special congratulations to all who were drafted applaude . Hopefully your dream is being fulfilled.

To those whose name was not chosen I hope that they do not think any less of themselves or that in some way they failed. Nothing could be further from the truth! I’m proud of all who have the fortitude to stick with (in my mind) the most humbling game out there. As far as I’m concerned you are all success stories and don’t give up the dream applaude .

After talking to Josh and thinking about this for awhile, I have some thoughts I’d like to share.

For Josh, even though he went lower than he had hoped, and was naturally a little disappointed, he counts it as an honor to be drafted. He didn’t have the season he hoped for, and puts the blame squarely on his own shoulders. It’s time to hopefully learn from his mistakes and move on. I’m proud of him for figuring out what his last year of school and getting his degree was worth to him and for sticking to his guns. I’m positive there are many out there who did the same thing which meant that they would drop or not be drafted at all. Does this mean that they must not want to play pro ball “bad enough”? Or that they are being greedy? Maybe in some cases, but I’d like to think that for the majority of these young men, they see the value in an education and try to put a value on their own self worth. I also know there are many respected websters who say, they would play for nothing (I’m one, not necessarily the respected part biglaugh). I would hope we do not question the motives behind some of the very tough decisions these boys have to make. I know I have the saying backward, but, what’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander. Josh is aware of the possibility of injury ending his career or having no “leverage” as a senior. If it doesn’t work out and he doesn’t sign this year, he’s willing to risk it to finish his education on time.

I wish everyone well and hopefully be able to sleep soundly at nights with their decisions, whatever they may be.

Thanks again for the well wishes for Josh,
What an insightful post. Congrats to your son and all the others who "made the cut." The draft has a mystery about it that doesn't always play out the way we think it should, and there are always good players who don't make it for whatever reason. Pursuing that college degree gives them more chances for a productive future than hanging their hats on a "maybe."

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