Anybody who is anybody on the hsbbweb knows of the kindness and support that lafmom provides to each and every members' kids and/or family on this site.
Well, now it is time for us to show our appreciation toward her and specifically recognize the fabulous summer her son has had in the Nashville Collegiate Wood Bat League.
Her son Michael Curtis was having a fabulous summer on the mound with an ERA that was well below 2.00 and then he decided to get serious His last outing was sensational as he tossed a NO HITTER
Michael did not pitch as much as he would have liked this past spring but still managed to excel in the classroom. He has since transferred to a four year program that both he and Mom are very happy with plus he maintains four full years of eligibility. First, huge congrats to Michael, and secondly thanks and congrats to lafmom - it is wonderful when great things happen to great people
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