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This is the first chance I have had to really read the HSBBW.
Congratulations to all who were drafted. This is a very exciting time for everyone and also quite a frustrating time. I understand and wish best of luck as your son's decide upon their futures in the weeks ahead. As you all know, DK was not drafted last year. His choice was to go to school to play baseball. And I can tell you from the year he is having, it was the best choice. He never expected in his freshman year he might be three games away from Omaha. Regardless of this weekend's outcome, he has had one heck of a great time and loving every minute of it. I wish that for all of your sons.

Congratulations to all of your sons who played in regionals (regardless of division). And best of luck to those who will be playing this weekend.

We were pulling for Stanford, an awesome comeback for the team!
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