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In response to bigger's question.. It has, no doubt, been a long road out of the recession. I have been struggling as well as many. I am afraid more struggles lay ahead if we are to appropriately address the deficit. But in general, I have been happy with the tasks that he has undertaken and the dignity that he has restored to the White House.

I was, however, greatly disappointed that he traded unemployment benefits for the abolishment of the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy. That topic can now be added to campaign promises broken (or postponed) along with immigration.
Last edited by JKennedy
Originally posted by mood for baseball:
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Well, no oppressive tax hikes, that's for sure.

That's an Illinois issue papi. Certainly nothing that would have been any different with another regime in control in D.C. You wanna talk about Illinois there's a different story. That house of crooks needs to be completely fumigated and re-staffed.

One thing here is true. IL is a taxing joke. However, if you take a closer look at the Health Care bill, you will find it chock full of new taxes, many of which have absolutely nothing to do with health care.
Papi, I think anytime a bill gets passed.. a handful of other items go along for the ride. That doesn't necessarily make them a part of the health care bill. I had trouble finding any that pertained to me personally. I am equally curious, though, as to why my family health insurance premium went up 26% at the beginning of the year. Maybe someone can explain the connection with the health care bill, many facets of which haven't even begun to take place. Sort of like paying higher gas prices every time Chavez sneezes.

It all brings to mind a line in a favorite Roger Waters song... "Mother should I trust the government?"
Last edited by JKennedy
First of all, I don't think it's a good idea to say "if it doesn't apply to me, then I don't care." Even worse, I suppose, to then say "but I sure think it's a good idea for everyone else."

Running through the list in Gotwood's link above, I find several that would, could or should apply to many of us, even if not you personally.

Employer Mandate Excise Tax - these taxes will simply be passed on to the and me!

Individual Mandate Surtax - who is Obamma to tell me I HAVE to have health insurance?

Medicine Cabinet Tax/Cap on FSAs - these were great tools for people to reduce medical expenses. No more!

Surtax on Individuals and Small Businesses - again, passed on to you and me.

Corporate 1099- MISC Information Reporting - they're going to track and tax some of our private expenditures.

Also, to answer dr9961's question, what does this have to do with HS baseball? After this, we won't be able to afford all this travel, equipment, showcases, etc.

And thanks to the State of IL, my 2% raise is gone already.
The folks that want to repeal the healthcare bill keep talking about how bad it is, but I HAVE YET TO HEAR ANY OF THEM TELL ME WHAT THEY PROPOSE TO MAKE THINGS BETTER.

Tell me Papi, what are They going to propose to make things better?

I run a small business. In mid December I got a call telling me my rates are going up 47%. I told the lady sarcastically that I really appreciated them giving me SO much advance notice. When I asked why the rates went up so much I was surprised that they did NOT try to blame it on the healthcare bill, the politically convenient excuse that most are using. Their answer was that the loss experience for small businesses driving the rates up. Good grief, did everyone have bypass and hip replacement surgery last year? They must have, to justify a 47% increase. Do I believe that? Heck no.

What are They going to do to help people like me? Not that the current bill helps me a lot. But at least it bars other insurance companies from automatically rejecting me for preexisting conditions.

Frankly, I have some of the same problems with the new law that you do. And there are parts of it that I would like to see changed. But there are some good parts as well.

As I see it there are two types of politicians involved in this battle, the Doers, and the Naysayers. I will give Obama credit for one thing, he is a Doer. He is at least trying to improve things. The Naysayers on the other hand offer no alternatives. They only know one song and they will play it until the walls fall. And then what will we be left with? The status quo? Is that what you want, a system that is controlled by the doctors, the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies?

I am hopeful that the bill can be amended to some degree, but I don't see that happening until we start hearing some legitimate alternatives from ALL parties involved.
One problem with healthcare are "freeloaders". People who don't by healthcare and then get sick. We all pay for theri emergency treatment and many time all their care. Is that fair?

Insurance is the law of large numbers. Spread the risk. The mandate forces people to become part of the system, spreading the risk and making people contribute. The ohter alternative is to let people bleed on the streets and deny them any care because they haven't bought in to the system. Is that the kind of Country we want to live in.

Teh mandate was originally brought up by Bob Dole. I don not understand why the party of personal responsibility does not want people to help pay for care that is inevitable. We all eventually get sick.

We mandate auto insurance, we need to make sure people who don't take resposibilty for their own care pitch in. MAybe if htese people have insurance they will get preventive care, catch something early and save us all money (preventive care is now mandated for health policies with no co-pays).
Originally posted by MTH:
The folks that want to repeal the healthcare bill keep talking about how bad it is, but I HAVE YET TO HEAR ANY OF THEM TELL ME WHAT THEY PROPOSE TO MAKE THINGS BETTER.

Okay, I'll admit it...I'm more of a complainer than a problem solver! However, I am well aware of the difficulties small business owners have in this country and am having a real hard time understanding how this bill will make your life any better.

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