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The state provided funds to run the program for 3 years, contingent upon raising some funds on their own, which they have started to do.  One "Towson" family has funded the 1st year with one 'grand' donation.

I hope all that has surrounded the team this past year can be overcome and the team can get back to a 'normal' state..... but just the talk of shutting down the program has to make Coach's job of attracting players a challange.

Not sure of all the 'details' .... but I think the time is supposed to let the Univ. figure out how to fund their programs....  but the AD who proposed the changes, and who spent more $$ then maybe should have, is now gone.

Lots of people were involved in fighting this proposal..... but the state only "saved" the baseball program......  mens s***er remains cut.

I would hope that their future can be finalized..... w/o having to ask for $$ season after season.

I'm watching this from afar, and I hope Towson makes it work.  There is a definite trend in non-revenue sports for them to become self funded.....aka find some boosters (alumni) willing to help fund their opex.  The head coach becomes the head business development manager ("rainmaker") among his many other duties.   I've got my fingers crossed for Towson.

You are right about the coach becoming the business manager.  I hope he can make it work.  Not easy to always be fund raising and concentrating on your baseball team at the same time.  Maybe new AD will be more supportive.  Also, it is got to be hard to recruit when players know your program might only be running for a couple of years.  Hard to win when all the talent goes to other schools.  Now your program looks bad and broke.

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