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Using some white sox fan logic, you can project some things as a result of The Cardinals Winning The WS:

1. The National League is superior since the 4th best team in The NL won The WS.

2. The Cubs are the 6th (almost 4th or 5th) best team in baseball because they finished 6th in "The Best Division in Baseball." Or at least the Division with The WS Champs.

3. The NL Central is far superior to the AL Central in 2006, with The Cards making the Tigers look like a AAA team.

This series would have already been a sweep if the umps had inforced the foreign substance rules in game 2.

I don't care if it is the Cardinals....The WS Trophy will return to it's rightful place in the NL. The worm is turning and the NL is returning to it's place as the dominant league in the Majors.

Before you work yourself up into a tither, remember I said these things "Using white sox fan logic."
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FastballDad - it's hard to argue with your "logic" Big Grin

Seriously, we'll probably hear how awful the Tigers have played as oppossed to how well the Cardinals have played.

The Cardinals have an outstanding closer and two very good starters in Carpenter and Suppan. Reyes was also impressive. Weaver has supposedly been rebuilt by Duncan et. al but we'll see.

Their catcher controls things back there and seems to come up with timely hits. They have a fine third baseman, decent ss and 2b, and of course Albert Pujols. Outfield is a little shaky but Jim Edmonds can still go gettem. I can see how the logic goes but these are still quality major leaguers that you have to go out and beat on the field. The good news for the Tigers is that they have a lot of young pitching talent. That may be bad news for the rest of the AL Central.

Why do you have to start trouble?????? You know that BeenthereIL and soxnole WON'T be able to stay away from this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I'm a Sox fan, since I grew-up (questionable) on the southside at 47th and Western Ave. BUT, I would still like to see the Cubs play in the World Series. If that happened, the party in this city and its aftermath, would make Mrs. O'Leary's Cow look like a candle blowing in the wind!!!!!!

Last edited by BoomerIL

They both look a little stage fright,particularly the Tigers.

The Tigers are playing like they did in September.

The Cards Dave Duncan deserves big time kudos.

Sox fans win either way, cub fans buddies will cringe again as their 2nd most hated team wins after the Sox nailed it down last year.
OR....The Tigers come back with a 2nd straight Central Division WS victory!
As I said on another thread, quality of play has been dropping dramatically in recent years. Kudos to the sox last year who actually looked good in winning (no matter the Astros stunk) but the Tigers put up no fight whatsoever this year. And for a team that won the series 4-1, I didn't come away thinking they were dominant. Perhaps if Wild Card Teams (Astros, Tigers) couldn't get to the series it would be better.

The sox would have won if they had gotten there, even playing the way they did down the stretch. What happens in the regular season has little to do with who wins these days. I think that if MLB woudl open up the playoffs to 16 teams like all the other leagues do, the Champs could come from any of those 16 teams, regardless of how they did during the season.

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