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I was recently reading the regulations for juniors in the NCAA recruiting guidelines book and I stumbled upon something than I have a question about. It stated that there is no off-campus contact by a coach until July 1st following your junior year. Does that mean a coach cannot come out to watch you play until after July 1st, or he can but just not make a recruiting sales pitch to you? I was wondering because some coaches have asked for my HS schedule, but our defined schedule only goes up until the end of May, when the playoffs start. But if they cannot have any off-campus contact how would they go about doing that?
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What this means is that the College Coach can on contact you until after the July 1st following your Jr. Year. Than can come and watch you play but can not have any contact with you until after that. I would suggest that you also supply him with you summer schedule. This would probably be better for him to come and see you being that your H.S. seasons runs at the same time as the college season. He may have a better chance of seeing you play during the summer and he can then talk to you about his school.
pfbear is right...they can watch and say "hi" if they pass you on their way in/out...but they cannot talk to you otherwise. Not sure about the "all they want." I seem to remember some limitation there...but maybe not.

Also, in summer ball, they cannot talk to you until the event is over. They can talk to your parents, but not to you.

The rules are designed to protect the athlete from annoyances and too many distractions.
Last edited by justbaseball

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