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Catcher is trying to back-pick at first or third.
The throw goes over the baseman's head, down the line.
Can a corner OF playing straightaway get to the ball in time to throw the runner out at the next base?

Some coaches seem to believe the answer is yes as long as their corner OFs are alert and hustling.

Run a trial. Have a runner lay outstretched on the ground with his hand on first base, as if he dove back. Have your catcher rifle a throw down the RF line. As the C releases the ball, the RF starts sprinting towards the line to back up the throw. As the ball passes first base on its way down the line, the base coach yells 'get up and go.'

My trials have always shown a low probability of an on-time accurate throw. IOW, the runner is usually safe....which is why I don't give my catchers carte-blanche to make snap throws.

Regarding the snapthrow to first: on a hard-baked field, if the catcher has a cannon, the ball can go WAY down the line.
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With an average runner or better there's not a snowball's chance in a microwave they will get the runner advancing. On a throw to third the OF will never get the guy going home and on a throw to first you might get the slow runners going to second MAYBE.

If the OF has a clue the throw is coming I still don't think he has much of a chance unless he's on the line or the first / third baseman falls on the runner.

I can totally understand why you don't allow your catchers to throw whenever they want because the bad throws typically are with the runners with no lead.
I tried it yesterday. I let the catcher pick the 1st baseman, base runner, right fielder and second baseman. They finally got the runner out at second after the third try and the right fielder was cheating to the line with the catcher lobbing it over the first baseman. It was a good drill to for the team to see. We didn’t even worry about the third base over throw. It was a good experience for my catchers, who quite frankly have a low baseball IQ.

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