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I have a friend that asked me to come help out at where she works. Since my husband and I have been held up with the purchase of a new home due to foreclosure of the property it has taken longer than expected and might take even longer.

So I decided to get back to work. Like everything else lately the economy that affects small businesses has dramatically affected this one. The company sells promotional items that are printed, designed sorted packed and shipped by the handicap. The young adult employees range from handicaps due to injury and mental handicaps. On a tour last week I again realized that no matter how things can get depressing, my life has been blessed just by having two healthy children no matter where life takes them. Next time you see your son get up to bat or take the mound, run the bases, catch a ball, or just on the bench count your blessings. The rest is all just BS.

So I got to get to work to find business so that these people can get paid every week and not lose their jobs. Unlike you and I, if they lose their job, most likely they would not be able to find another.
If anyone here has their own business and would like to know how to help, give a shout.
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Originally posted by TPM:
I again realized that no matter how things can get depressing, my life has been blessed just by having two healthy children no matter where life takes them. Next time you see your son get up to bat or take the mound, run the bases, catch a ball, or just on the bench count your blessings. The rest is all just BS.

You betcha'...count 'em daily...thanks for the reminder..

TPM--I know what you mean. In my "calling" as a substitute teacher, I have had the very good fortune of spending a lot of time with a lot of different kids, including those with special needs. There is not a day that goes by that I don't give a quick thank-you to God for my children who are physically able, and who not only have the ability to learn, but the DESIRE to learn. (I've discovered that there are very capable children who CAN use their brains but choose NOT to.) I have been absolutely blessed.

You're right. The rest just doesn't matter.

I wish we could help. I'll keep my eyes and ears opened for someone who can. Thanks for spreading the word. Good luck.
Last edited by play baseball
I have an association with the Downs Syndrome Association of Central Florida which, oddly enough, grew out of our LL days. One of the accomplishments of the Associations is recruiting companies to employ Downs Syndrome adults. Locally, Hyatt Hotels and Publix Supermarkets have been very supportive.

So one way to help, ssmom, is to patronize companies who give people with disabilities an opportunity to earn their way.

One day not too long ago at my local Publix, the man (who has Downs Syndrome) helping me to my car with my groceries, said "Thank you for shopping here, it means I can have a job."
The major grocery store chains in the Chicago area also employ Downs Syndrome adults to bag groceries.

Through my days at the junior high, I have gotten to know a very sweet and "special" young man. Actually, his mom and I were pregnant together, so I've watched him grow up, but I really got to know him at school. He is a "junior" now at the high school. He very excitedly told me about the job that awaited him when he graduated---as a shredder!

Our local high school has a business for the kids as they become adults called "Shredder Works". In fact, when I sub for the special ed teacher for the contained kids, that's what we do--we shred papers. It's wonderful for them--a definite feeling of accomplishment. And it provides a good service, too.
Last edited by play baseball

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