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Our baseball team and softball team played the same school at their place on the same day. We had to walk past the softball field to get to the baseball field. Myself and another coach noticed something on the foul poles of the softball field that got us talking.

At the top of the foul poles were pennett flags flying. The wind was going from LF to RF and so that put the RF flag in foul territory. So we were wondering if the ball hit the flag flying in foul territory would be a homerun or not?

I say no because you can still obviously see the pole and that flag is just there for looks and serves no purpose. My buddy says it's a homerun because it's attached to the pole.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Let's say foul ball for hitting the flag. If the ball hits "between" the pole and flag, it would be very difficult to make a determination, especially if the flag is drooped and not flying as you described.

If we say fair ball for hitting the flag, this too can be difficult to declare unless the flag unquestionably re-directs the ball's trajectory.

I went back and forth on this one. If I was the umpire, I'd make them take it down Smile
Dont over complicate this gentlemen....I am not using any pennnent on the foul pole to make my ruling..passes on the fair side of the POLE, then homerun....passes on the foul side of the POLE, then foul.....

I would not have them remove the pennants.....smacks of terribly OOO to me.....make a ruling, fair or foul....stick with it.
Originally posted by piaa_ump:
Dont over complicate this gentlemen....I am not using any pennnent on the foul pole to make my ruling..passes on the fair side of the POLE, then homerun....passes on the foul side of the POLE, then foul.....

I would not have them remove the pennants.....smacks of terribly OOO to me.....make a ruling, fair or foul....stick with it.

Well now that you throw some logic into the discussion it does make some perfect sense LOL.

Thanks PIAA

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