We went to the winter camp (Harvard bubble on the football field) under the previous regime. It was very well attended by other D1 and D3 academic schools. Mostly schools from the Northeast. 2012 got lots of interest from the camp.
Outside will be much better than the bubble I'm guessing.
I am not bullish on the Stanford camp as an ideal recruiting vehicle for most players. It's a really fun time for the players, and it's expensive and time consuming (3-4 days). There is a much smaller list of schools, and they are more diverse (Stanford, Kansas, Butte JC, ???) than at a Headfirst camp.
Harvard, Princeton, et.al. camps are a more focused set of schools, i.e., primarily/exclusively high academic D1 or D3. If those types of schools are on your player's vetted list, then that's a place to be.