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If your top speed is truly 85 I would say you are well ahead of the curve.. in fact, you are on pace for a top-tier Division I team, providing you have 3 solid pitches, movement, athleticism and can maintain your speed throughout the game. As for velocity itself:

84-85 (Jugs) Low-level Div. I
86-89 (Jugs) Mid-level Div. I
90+ (Jugs) or 87/88 (Stalker) Top-level Div I.

Good luck.
Last edited by Bum
My average fastball is in the low 80's (82-83), right now i am working on two off speed pitches and getting more movement on my fastball. My pitching coach says that all my pitches are above average i just need to work getting my offspeed stuff in the zone. I have tried a new grip with my two seam fastball of late and i am started to get a consistant tailing action (away from right handed hitters). As far as athleticism, i also play basketball and average 18 ppg, i was the grade 8 and 9 male athlete of the year at my school. If there has been a problem with my pitching its the fact that i have been able to just throw it right down the middle and get away with it because i throw hard, i really need to start working on hitting corners (which i am).
Last edited by Digz21
Thanks a lot for all of your responses, it is really useful. Do you think that there is anything i should do in order to get my self "out there"? Or should i just wait a bit longer and then start contacting to universities. There is a teacher at my school who use to coach at the University level (football) and he is giving me some ideas, i have made a list of the top 25 top tier division one schools i am interested in, but that's it so far. Bum i noticed that you have a son who is a junior LHP, he got invited to the stanford all-star camp, how did he (and yourself) get invited to that?
Last edited by Digz21

A scout from Stanford saw him pitch at a large showcase event here in the Pacific Northwest. He has been receiving mail from them since then.

He was recently clocked at 84 on the Jugs so like you he's got some improvement to do to get to the "top-tier", but I believe he will get there as he is a hard worker. This does not mean he expects to pitch for Stanford either.. he has a few other schools in mind and his goal is to be a future starter at the DI level. To do that he figures he needs to be 87-88 by his senior year.

The Stanford camp is appealing because of the number of other college scouts that will be there. Who knows, perhaps one will make an offer! As for myself, as a dad, I don't expect that.. I am really most interested in seeing how my son stacks up against such a concentration in talent. It's an opportunity to gauge his talent level against the best so when the time comes to decide on a college we know the best fit.

Since the Stanford camp is the hardest in the country to get into, ask yourself right now how bad do you want to go? If you do, get your pitching instructor or a scout that has seen you pitch help you get an invite by calling them a.s.a.p. If it's not all that important may I recommend instead that you seek an invite to the PG Sunshine West showcase (also in June).. there should be a bunch of scouts there, too, and a great way to get "on the radar". Another West Coast "bigee" event is the Senior Fall Classic in Peoria in October.. if you are from B.C. they probably have a team going there.

Good luck!
Last edited by Bum
Stanford has been a dream of mine for a while now, congratulations to your son he sounds like he is well on his way to a fine career in the NCAA. About that tournament in Peoria i know which one you are talking about. At this point in time i plan to go with team BC next October, i have talked to some guys who went this year and they said it was a great experience for them. I have never heard of the PG Sunshine West showcase, but i will ask my pitching instructor and see if he knows anything about it.
Your size and velocity are comparable to those of a top lefty we have around here, when he was a sophomore. You may be a bit heavier than he was, which can be good or bad, depending on whether that's muscle or ... the other stuff.

But our local lefty, now a senior, has signed an NLI to an ACC school and is getting a very high percentage scholarship.

So, you ask if you could be D-1, the answer is yes, you could be. You have the natural gifts. Now go take full advantage of them! Some do, some don't. At this point it's in your hands.

This has nothing to do with PG events but Team BC will probably play in one of our tournaments and we will surely see you at some point.

However, from a pure scouting standpoint, our job is to know who the best players are. Please feel free to email me with your name and other information. Reading your description here, you sound like an outstanding talent for your age.

email -
Do you have a dream School?
Have you looked into the Area Code tryouts in the NW.
Baseball Northwest handles that I believe.
Along with Student Sports

PG just had a Local Showcase at Spooner Creek
In Blaine, Wash. Just across the border from Vancouver.
I'm not sure if PG is Planing another,
But I would get an invite if possible.
Your right on track for your age. Don't try to throw harder then your capable?
Your still growing.
Long toss and good mechanics will get you where you want to be.
Leftys have that natural
Tailing away sinking fastball to Rt.Handed batters.
My dream school, hands down, is Stanford University. PGstaff i will give you an email, thanks for the adress. Thank you all very much for your input i will certainly take everything you all have to say into consideration when i'm on and off the baseball field. TheEh i have never heard of the area code try outs other than what i have read on this site, could you or anyone else tell me a little bit more about them please?
Well we only went to one tryout.
But it was packed with Recruitor's and Scout's.
Contact baseball northwest, Also Student Sport's.

bbscout on this site run's the NW area code team.
Last year they were sponsered by the Washington Nationals.
It's mainly for Junior's between there Junior and Senior Summer.
Tryout's are held in June I think, with the Area Code Game's in Long Beach in August.
At your age and your velocity they would want to take a look at you?
The tryout is alway's well represented with Scout's/Recruiter's.
Good Luck, let us know.

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