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Anyone want to share what their criteria for picking a high school team is?


Mine would be in this order:


1. Does the kid have any talent?

2. How is the kid's work ethic and is he coachable?

3. How much knowledge of the game does the kid have?

4. How is the kid in the classroom?  (The only reason this is last for me is because I try to go based on what I see at tryouts and once the kid makes the team it is his chance to either continue to be a good student or his chance to prove he can change his ways in the classroom)

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My "rubric":

Playing Ability:





Baseball IQ

Pitching (if needed)











No one item is necessarily weighted more than the other. Any egregious short coming in one area may not be able to be overcome by other strengths.


I tell kids and parents clearly that Ability and Character carry the same weight in our program.

Over the course of next week through December we will play 30 games.  The criteria for making the Varsity team is be able to be successful in those Varsity games.  At the end of those games it is pretty much straight forward who should and should not be playing.  If you are not playing in those games you will end up getting very limited playing time unless you show up and are just flat out better. 

Originally Posted by Mizzoubaseball:

Where does the "attractiveness of mother" fit into the equation. 

Very high.  If I'm going to get yelled at by someone over their son not getting playing time I at least want to have something nice to look at.


I agree with Will in that talent - baseball or sheer athleticism - will get picked first.  Baseball players and athletes (at the HS level) will know how to hit the ball or learn quickly.  I can plug them in anywhere defensively and be fine.  After that then I will start looking at specific skill sets - can only play first or only pitch - to fill in left over spots.  Then if any room is left over I take the great kids who have great attitudes with the understanding it will be difficult for them to get playing time.  I typically let them decide if they want to be on the team.  I lay it out there (with the understanding they could get playing time if they show tremendous improvement) and they choose to be on the team or not.  

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