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I was going to add onto this thread started by TRHit but it was already closed. The term came up after I made myself look like a jerk and an immature unknowing kid in a thread. For those who are unfamiliar with what TRHit was talking about, the thread is called Perfect Game and it is in the General Items Forum. I know who TRHit is, and while he doesn't know me directly, he knows of me from the coaches in the organization I play for during the summer. By no means does that constitute him having to say anything positive or negative about me, I don't play for him. I have personally never met him, all I know is that he is well respected and runs a very solid program with many good players (BTW, TRHit I don't know anything about a fall league with us yet so if you do let me know, if not I've spoken to a few players about maybe playing for College Select). What I said in the other thread was stupid, and in hindsight I realized that and apologized sincerely for it. You will see that if you look at the thread. TRHit was using my rant as an example of a younger person who wants to act like they know everything when they really don't. When he says "the world needs old crotchety men", he is right (not to be mean or disrespectful or anything). Especially on this site, the older, knowledgeable people, men and women, keep others in line and keep order when things can sometimes get out of hand. He, as well as many others, did this during my rant. So for those of you who are constantly putting down TRHit for whatever he says, right or wrong or indifferent, please rethink what you are saying. He knows what he is talking about from past experience, and most of the time he is right.
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