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I talked to a freind who is close to the Cubs and he had a couple of trade rumors....he has been right be fore more than a couple of times.

A trade involving Juan Pierre and Aaron Rowand is a possibility.....I guess the Phillies wanted him before the Cubs got him and then the Sox trade. Phillies want more because Pierre is a free agent.

The other rumor has Pierre going to the Sox for McCarthy and/or Anderson. There are other players involved here. The Sox are looking for bullpen help and the Cubs may have the players they need in either Eyre or Howry, both former Sox.

The other possibilty is a three-way with these teams. Sometimes figuring out which players are going to which team is the problem with these rumors. You know the Cubs need a starter and people are saying Pierre is unhappy with the Cubs.

The other starter the Cubs are supposedly looking at is Dontrelle Willis. Rumored that maybe the Cubs are getting Anderson from the Sox to send him to Florida where the Marlins are collecting young talent. It will be interesting.
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Fast...Interesting stuff.

I hope you're right about Pierre to the Sox.

I was hoping that the Sox would pick him up when he was available in the wintertime/spring training.

I've seen nothing to make me convinced that Anderson is ready. Not that he's not going to be a good player, but only that he is not ready for the big league level now.

McCarthy needs to pitch somewhere and it is not with the Sox. He's a two pitch pitcher and the Sox fell in love with him in spring training of 2005. I saw him get launched in a few outings, both in spring training and with a start or two last year. Change of uniform would likely help. His uniform styling change, from showing the entire black hose to the pajama baggies hasn't worked.

I like Dontrelle, too. Would like to see him with the Sox. Boone Logan belongs in A ball. Come 'on!

No one is sure what is going on with the Marlins but what is happening down there and in Kansas City and Washington and Arizona...not good for ML baseball.

The best trade would be to package Merton; Cedeno; Walker; Jones; and, Mabry... and trade all of them for a "pet rock".

Go White Sox!

Actually, I agree with most of what you wrote. That's pretty amazing in itself. However, I think you're way, way off base with putting Murton, Cedeno and Todd Walker in your trade for a pet rock. Murton and Cedeno have shown me enough in this short amount of time that they are legit MLB talent players. Todd Walker is a professional hitter who can't be expected to carry a team but can hit anywhere if he has some protection in the order. Why knock John Mabry? He isn't an everyday 1st baseman but is a terrific player off the bench and was highly sought after in the off-season. Finally, I would definitely trade Jacque Jones for the pet rock and I think it would be the steal of the year!

You've got to really like this years Sox team, but Boone Logan is not ready to be pitching in the bigs, and this isn't just because of last nights meltdown. JMO.
Last edited by itsrosy
its...Wanted to get a rise out of Cub fans before the big weekend.

Actually, I think Murton will be fine. I like Cedeno, too. When he adds about 15 pounds of muscle, he'll have some "pop" to his bat, too. Walker is a pro hitter and I actually have liked him since his days at LSU when my Paul was at Mississippi State.

You are right, too, about Mabry. Nice bat off the bench.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
jmk...You are, obviously, a Cubs fan.

Otherwise, you would have corrected Fast for not paying attention in class while they were teaching the "i before e, except after c" rule in English.

Next thing you know, you'll be talking about the attendance figures at WF.

I'm a FAN and I'm qualified to say whatever I want about baseball players. That is what being a FAN is all about. Not about all those stuffed shirts in the lower boxes at WF.

Go White Sox!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
beenthere...aren't you the guy who said that there was no need to complain about grammar or spelling here? To paraphrase a long time poster here....gees.

From this point on I proclaim all of my spelling errors to be keyboard mistakes. So there.

Beenthere, you may or may not be a stuffed shirt but I assure you that there are just as many stuffed shirts at the Cell as there are at Wrigley.

Even when I try to get along with Sox fans.....say nice things about the Palehose and Sox fan #2 just can't accept it. Maybe it's because I know you carry a torch for the Cubs deep down inside.

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