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oh, sorry. they are seventh graders. they want odd scenarios and some rule stuff. the whole point is to help the players see how difficult an umpire's job really is. sorry for not being clear before, anything is really appreciated. an example would be my post under the title "Home Run" on ask the umpire. thats why i asked that question, for my father's team.
Last edited by Bubble Butt
OK, we'll start with an old one.

Ask the kids to describe a play where three outs occured without anyone on defense touching the ball.

No outs, runners on first and second, batter hits fly ball to infield.
"Infield Fly" is called; batter is out. (1 out)
Runner from first base thinks there are two outs and passes runner at second. (2 outs)
Runner at second is off the bag and is hit with the ball as it comes back down. (3 outs)

Is this the kind of stuff you're looking for?
we teach the players not to bat "out of order". i once saw 4players(really 5) bat out of order in a little league tournament game. batter #5 had a pitch thrown to him so he became legal. the discussion at home plate must have gone on for 15 minutes. no, the umpires did not come up with the correct answer to the situation. as we all hopefully know, once batter #5 got a pitch thrown to him he became legal if he correctly followed 4 in the batting order. the umps called 2 batters out(i never understood how or why) and that made 3 outs.

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