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D-BAT Baseball has announced their HS program tryout dates for the Summer 2013 campaign. All of our tryouts will be indoors at different D-BAT locations across the metroplex. There is no fee to tryout or a need to pre-register. For more information, please call 214-551-1979 or shoot me an email at For directions to our facilities, please go to our website at If you need information about our baseball club, go to

Sunday, November 11 at Noon - D-BAT Southlake
Sunday, December 2 at Noon - D-BAT Frisco
Sunday, January 6 at Noon - D-BAT Addison
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We will have our second HS program tryout this Sunday at noon at the D-BAT Southlake facility.
There is no fee to tryout or a need to pre-register. For more information, please call 214-551-1979 or shoot me an email at For directions to our facilities, please go to our website at If you need information about our baseball club, go to

Sunday, November 11 at Noon - D-BAT Southlake
Sunday, December 2 at Noon - D-BAT Frisco
Sunday, January 6 at Noon - D-BAT Addison
We will have our third HS program tryout this Sunday (Nov 18) at Lake Dallas High School. Lake Dallas High School is located at 3016 Parkridge Drive in Corinth, Tx 76210.

15U - 1-3pm
16U - 4-6pm
17U - 4-6pm

There is no fee to tryout or a need to pre-register. For more information, please call 214-551-1979 or shoot me an email at If you need information about our baseball club, go to
Last edited by catcher
We will have our fourth HS program tryout this Sunday, December 2 at noon at the D-BAT FRISCO indoor facility. The address is 10875 John W. Elliott Dr. Ste. 100 in Frisco, TX 75034.

There is no fee to tryout or a need to pre-register. For more information, please call 214-551-1979 or shoot me an email at For directions to our facilities, please go to our website at If you need information about our baseball club, go to

Sunday, December 2 at Noon - D-BAT Frisco
Sunday, January 6 at Noon - D-BAT Addison
Last edited by catcher
We will have our FINAL HS program tryout this Sunday, January 6 at noon at the D-BAT ADDISON indoor facility. The address is 15605 Wright Bros. Dr. Addison, TX 75001 972.387.3228 .

There is no fee to tryout or a need to pre-register. For more information, please call 214-551-1979 or shoot me an email at For directions to our facility, please go to our website at If you need information about our baseball club, go to

Sunday, January 6 at Noon - D-BAT Addison

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