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Half a score of our local HS players have moved on and played in the Claremont McKenna program...all have been happy with their experience in all respects...academics are challenging and top flight...

Also take a look at NAIA Pt Loma Nazerene...had some great seasons a few years back...ballpark overlooks the Pacific and is one of the most scenic in the country...

Cool 44
D-3's that have very good academics and baseball in CA:

Pomona College and Pitzer College. Separate schools, part of the Claremont Colleges, they pair together to form their athletic program.

Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd. Separate schools, also part of the Claremont Colleges, they pair together to form their athletic program (along with Scripps College for women's sports)

Occidental College

I think these are your academic "heavy weights".

Also having excellent baseball programs but (with no offense to them) not quite the same academic rating as the schools above:

Cal Lutheran, Redlands, LaVerne, Chapman, Menlo. There are also numerous church affilated schools in CA that have d-3 programs, including: Cal Baptist, Azuza Pacific, The Masters College, Point Loma.

My son attends and played for one of the Claremont Colleges, if you want to send me a PM, have any specific questions, etc. feel free.

Best of luck to you.

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