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If a player commits to a top JUCO program and signs in January, does that preclude the D1's from offering during the late signing period?

If that is the case, how do the D1's get many late signings...wouldn't the JUCO's go after and get the better players that were missed in the early signing period?
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eagle fan - It does not prevent a DI from making an offer. My son committed last February to a JUCO. When he notified the schools that had recruited or contacted him about his decision, one of them (a DI) wrote back and asked if he realized he could sign with both. At the time, we didn't have a clue - thought he was being unethical or something. It actually took me a week to get someone to clarify this situation for me. However, it's not unheard of to sign with a JUCO and a NCAA school. I'm not sure I would encourage this, because in my thoughts a kid should know where he wants and not string someone along. But it is "legal".
Eagel Fan, Thanks - Michael is having a great first year. Hope you all have had a good fall as well there in beautiful Niceville.

I think that the typical draft and follow kid usually signs with his DI (most often) and then when he doesn't get drafted high enough, he will sign with a JUCO at that point. I'm sure some go ahead and sign with both - I would advise that both coaches know your plan. My son decided on a JUCO for several reasons. I think it's a wonderful route for many kids, including for those players that anticipate being a later draft pick. I think in the draft and follow situation, it would make sense and seem appropriate to dual sign. Just doing it for the sake of signing at both seems like "straddling the fence" to me. I'm sure there are exceptions - that's just my personal feeling.
Unethical maybe. depends on which side you are on.
legally you can sign juco - D-1 - NAIA. all are governed by their own organization and are only obligated to that organization.
remember all these schools are recruiting 2 or 3 deep at each position and probably 15-20 pitchers for the fall, players do what is best for you , because all colleges will do what is best for them first.
finish - I may be old fashioned, ignorant, or naive, but a "s*r*e*w them before they can me" isn't what I practice nor do I want my son to. I do believe there are reasons to dual sign (especially for draft and follows), but to do this as a way to protect yourself or because you mistrust your coach is the wrong reason IMO. I've always believed that you get what you give for the most part.
I believe from my experience that you should get a release from the JUCO. The coaches get upset and it is unfair to them. A few of my sons freind backed out of one school to go to another and the coach released them.
We were surprised that we had to enroll in the 4 year schools before they would make us an offer. They waived all the fees so we did what they asked. All the coaches were great to deal with and when we made our commitment we phoned the other coaches and told them of our sining. They were informed of the other schools and were thankful that we dealt straight up and said if things didn't workout the door was still open.
Is the enrolling before an offer because he was a foreign student?

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