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Hey everybody. I have a D2 school in Nebraska that has expressed interest and invited me to a tryout this fall. I'm interested in going to this tryout but I don't know if my mom and I can afford to make the 18 hour round trip to Nebraska. I also have a couple JUCO's in Iowa that have invited me to come to a tryout but I have the same problem with them. How do I go about telling the coaches this and do you guys have any other suggestions for me? Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond.
"Baseball is dull only to dull minds"-Red Barber
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austin, if these schools are high on your list, I would encourage you to find a way to make the trip. These coaches probably won't be able to make an offer without getting a good look at your abilities, and if you want to play baseball for one or all of them you need to get seen.

Could you do some odd-jobs in your neighborhood to earn money for gas/hotel/food? Also, could you combine the Nebraska and Iowa trips where you get seen by all 3 coaches in 2-3 days?

If you want it bad enough, I bet you'll find a way. I'm reminded of the story of Tampa Bay starter Ben Zobrist, who played in this year's All Star Game:

Zobrist wasn't planning on playing baseball past high school.

Sure, he'd been doing so since he was 8, loved it so much he and some buddies built a Wiffle Ball field behind the house with lights, a fence, spray-painted foul lines.

But when he graduated in the top 10 of his Eureka High class, with nary a sniff from a pro scout or college recruiter, the game looked to be over. His plan, as he told everyone including the local paper, was to go to Bible college and become a youth minister. His father, Tom, is the pastor of the Liberty Bible Church, older sister Jess works at a ministry camp, and Ben figured that was his calling, too.

"Baseball was not even a thought in my mind," Zobrist said. "When I was done with my last high school game, I was driving around town just thinking I'm done with baseball the rest of my life."

But …

There was a tryout camp in Peoria each summer to showcase seniors for college recruiters. He was encouraged by his high school coach to attend, but the family was going to Indiana for a youth ministry convention, and his father didn't think it was worth the $50 fee.

Ben wanted to go and had some money left from his 19th birthday.

"I made him pay it," Tom said. "And it was the best $50 he ever spent. I'd have to say that: He got a full ride out of it, and he's playing professional baseball now."
Last edited by Infield08

Thank you for the quick response. My mom and I are trying the think ways to make this work but I thought asking people on here would hopefully give us suggestions that we hadn't thought of yet.

All of these colleges saw me at a showcase early in the summer. I'm having trouble gauging the interest of these coaches. The coach at the D2 school in NE said he was recruiting around 70 guys for my class and that about 20 of them would come to the try-outs. He also said he is recruiting players for my position. Is it ok if I ask these coaches how much they are interested in me? And if so, how would be the best way to do this?
Don't forget that these colleges are trying to gauge your interest in them as well. If is financially difficult to attend an event where the coach can see you in person you may want to rule out the D-2 as the tuition there may be difficult as well. You may want to focus instead on the JUCO's where tuition may be lower and scholarships available that may cover more of your expenses. None the less, you will need to figure out a way to get where you need to go in order to be seen.
The coaches will not be able to answer your questions about interest until he sees you show up at his field and compare you against the other players that also show up. You need to get on their turf, more likely than not, to create the interest you desire. Unless you are a pitcher that throws 92 painting the corners or a hitter that hits a home run every 4th at bat.
Last edited by floridafan
austin, you are wise to be concerned about your chances at a particular school before you expend a sizeable amount of time and money to visit it. That said, floridafan is right about your needing to get seen. Even though the coaches saw you play in early summer, usually they want to see a prospect 2-3 times at the very least to make sure the first time was not a "fluke."

I'm a little confused about the D2 situation. Are you saying that out of the 70 prospects the coach is recruiting only 20 are coming to the tryout? If so, that greatly enhances your chances. However, if he's planning to bring on dozens of players next fall with plans to cut the majority of them before the season starts, you would be wise to steer clear of that program unless you are VERY sure of your chances for succeeding there.

As far as gauging interest, you could call or email the coaches and say something like this:

Coach White,

Thanks so much for inviting me to your tryout. I am very interested in your program and excited about the possibility of playing for you. As you know, I live in Wisconsin and would need to drive 18 hours round trip in order to attend the tryout. I am very willing to do this if there's a pretty good chance of my making the team. I know you can't give me any guarantees, but I was wondering if you could indicate your level of interest in me. I would appreciate your total honesty and I understand if you are more interested in other players. Thanks for your time.

Joe Brown

Austin, several years ago my brother-in-law in Wisconsin was unemployed and eager to break into a new industry. He learned about a job opening in Texas and drove all the way from Oshkosh to San Antonio for the job interview. He got the job and his manager said part of the reason he hired him was because that long drive showed him just how badly he wanted it.

Best wishes to you and let us know what happens!
Floridafan and Infield,
Thank you so much. Those posts are very helpful. I'll be honest, I haven't even really thought about getting a scholarship to play baseball. Almost all of the schools that have shown interest are D3 with the exception of the ones in my first post.

Infield, I will try to explain my situation with the NE D2 a little better. Here is a direct quote from the assistant coach: "We are currently recruiting about 70 players and would like to get as many of those to these tryouts as we can. Realistically speaking we will probably have 4-8 at each day." (There are three try-out dates.) After seeing me at the showcase, the head coach sent me a letter in the mail inviting me to their prospect camp. He later called me (my first call from a college coach, pretty exciting!) and he asked if I was interested. I said I was but later found out I had a schedule conflict. I emailed him and politely told him I couldn't attend but that I was still interested and that I could send him some short clips of me playing on YouTube. I sent him the link to the clips and the assistant coach responded by saying he watched him, and they are recruiting a few middle infielders, and that I'm invited to come to one of the try-out dates. Also, I just checked their website and they have an article saying that they have commitments from 8 players in the class of 2010, one of them being a shortstop.

So I'm sorry that was so long but hopefully it gives you a better idea of my situation.

Thunder, it is my understanding that D2, JUCO, and NAIA can hold try-outs for players they're interested in, D1 and D3 cannot. I'm not sure if incoming freshmen can or not. I think the coaches focus these try-outs mainly on the current class they are recruiting for.

Thanks everyone again.
Last edited by austin9
Hey everybody.

Just a little update. After a lot of discussions with my mom, we decided that we are going to make the trip to Nebraska this weekend. I just started my first job at the local grocery store and it could not have come at a better time. I'm able to take the money I've earned so far and put it toward our trip.

I wanted to thank all of you who have helped me. It is greatly appreciated.

I thought the try-out went pretty well. I played hard, got my uniform dirty, and had a lot of fun. Unfortunetly, I got an email from the assistant coach this morning saying thanks for coming but we aren't interested right now. I was a little dissappointed at first because I really liked the school and the baseball program, but I don't regret making this trip at all. It was a great experience getting to play with and against college players and it is something I will never forget. I get to go to school tomorrow and tell all my friends that I got a hit off of a college pitcher!

The only thing I can do now is to use this as motivation to get better and just keep refining my college search. Thank you everybody for the advice and support. I don't post on this site very often, but I check it everyday. It really is a great website with some great people involved with it. So thanks again everybody!
Austin, I'm sorry the tryout didn't end up with an offer, but I'm glad that you had a good time anyway. More importantly, I'm glad the asst. coach immediately emailed you to say they weren't interested at this time. Many coaches don't bother to do this, but it was very helpful in that you don't have to wonder about your chances there. With his response, you have been redirected to other opportunities out there, and you can put all your focus and energy into seeking those out.

Best wishes as you look at all your options and please keep us posted on what happens!

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