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Per popular request, here's this year's D3 Academic-Baseball ranking. Same data source (WSJ/Time ranking for academics, Massey for baseball,) and same formula (70% academics, 30% baseball.)

(Edited based on feedback) 

CollegeAcademicBaseballRatingOverall Ranking
Washington University in St Louis111411.91
Johns Hopkins University17814.32
Massachusetts Institute of Technology36521.63
Emory University194426.54
Tufts University323332.35
Case Western Reserve University344136.16
Amherst College237739.27
Williams College228039.48
Middlebury College368450.49
Pomona College2611352.110
University of Chicago1115955.411
New York University2912758.412
Wesleyan University459961.213
Trinity University792663.114
Washington and Lee University735467.315
Claremont McKenna College3514367.416
Denison University843970.517
Haverford College4214171.718
The College of Wooster1051076.519
Bowdoin College3916576.820
Worcester Polytechnic Institute837079.121
Oberlin College6312882.522
Macalester College78988423
Occidental College916984.424
Trinity College937888.525
Swarthmore College3022588.526
DePauw University1094790.427
Bates College661569328
Babson College1233095.129
University of Rochester5119895.130
Wheaton College (Massachusetts)1155195.831
Hamilton College6118999.432
Willamette University13621101.533
California Institute of Technology7325102.434
Rochester Institute of Technology13048105.435
Franklin and Marshall College89153108.236
Union College92163113.337
Vassar College66229114.938
Grinnell College75220118.539
Allegheny College128103120.540
Linfield College – McMinnville campus1661612141
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute87205122.442
Washington & Jefferson College17211123.743
Colby College65261123.844
Carleton College38334126.845
Rhodes College16246127.246
Illinois Wesleyan University14110112947
Kalamazoo College15374129.348
Dickinson College113169129.849
Chapman University17728132.350
Brandeis University87242133.551
Gettysburg College110193134.952
Kenyon College96228135.653
Ohio Northern University143147144.254
Stevens Institute of Technology13018014555
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology111234147.956
Gustavus Adolphus College150144148.257
Susquehanna University17297149.558
Whitman College166125153.759
University of Puget Sound162137154.560
Centre College150174157.261
Ithaca College21155164.262
Sewanee-The University of the South177145167.463
Clarkson University152216171.264
Saint Johns University21867172.765
The College of New Jersey23337174.266
Ursinus College191138175.167
Wabash College186150175.268
Rutgers University-Newark198123175.569
Drew University205111176.870
Catholic University of America198129177.371
St Olaf College153238178.572
Ohio Wesleyan University17419418073
Marietta College23081185.374
Augustana College (Illinois)24652187.875
Illinois Institute of Technology125337188.676
Wheaton College (Illinois)23788192.377
Skidmore College143327198.278
Yeshiva University119386199.179
St Lawrence University160301202.380
Pacific Lutheran University28623207.181
Clark University239133207.282
Earlham College253104208.383
University of Scranton214203210.784
Beloit College205226211.385
Knox College179294213.586
Concordia College at Moorhead26887213.787
Washington College205237214.688
Cornell College216218216.689
Muhlenberg College202251216.790
Southwestern University27492219.491
Hope College241172220.392
Suffolk University2849422793
Hendrix College282114231.694
John Carroll University264158232.295
Lewis & Clark College23326324296
Rowan University32263244.397
University of Redlands34325247.698
St Mary's College of Maryland224318252.299
Coe College298152254.2100
Last edited by Bogeyorpar
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

cabbagedad posted:

Bogey, cool that you did this again...

At first glance, something that strikes me as odd...  schools ranked 1,2,4,5 and 6 academically don't even make the list and schools ranked 1 thru 7 for baseball don't make the list.  What can you tell us?

In WSJ/THE ranking, the top academic schools are mostly D1 Ivies. Only MIT (3), Caltech (7), UChicago (11), WashingtonU (11), Emory (19) are D3s in the top 20.

The top 7 baseball program from the MasseyRatings are Cal Lutheran, LaGrange, Birmingham Southern, UT Tyler, Wisconsin-Whitewater, SUNY Cortland, and Centenary. Unfortunately these schools don't rank high enough in academics to make the list.


I agree with others.  This is a great resource, and you've provided the index numbers so people can modify as necessary.   This would have been most helpful 9 years ago ;-) when oldest son started looking and trying zero in on engineering schools and baseball.  I noticed 7 out of the top 15 schools on your list had met my son face to face and were communicating with him via phone or email.  IMHO this tells me these D3 coaches are looking at really talented baseball players and outstanding students considering both D1 and D3 programs as my son was. 

I have uploaded a spreadsheet with the average ratings (Massey end of season) for all D3 baseball programs for the period 2012-2017. Below are the top 25.

School Average Rating 
Cortland St          6.33
WI Whitewater        11.17
Trinity TX        11.50
Linfield        11.83
Birmingham So        14.50
Cal Lutheran        17.17
WI LaCrosse        20.00
Salisbury St        20.67
Pac Lutheran        25.00
Concordia TX        26.83
Emory        29.83
Concordia IL        30.17
St Thomas MN        30.17
Shenandoah        31.50
Wooster        33.17
Marietta        34.33
UT Tyler        35.17
Rowan        38.67
WI Stevens Pt        38.67
Case Western        39.00
UT Dallas        39.83
Kean        40.17
S Maine        40.50
Washington MO        42.00
Keystone        42.67


Last edited by MidAtlanticDad
BishopLeftiesDad posted:

Great Job Bogey, 

This is a great snap shot. I look forward to see how it changes form year to year. It will be interesting to track this over the years and See how teams move up and down on the list. Teams that are historically good at both academics and baseball should rise to the top. 

Middlebury will be moving up..

2019Dad posted:

Williams and Amherst right next to each other in your rankings, Bogey -- more fuel for that rivalry! ;-)

Middlebury is right next to them as well ... and with @Gov 's kid joining, they may surpass Williams and Amherst next year

Overall, NESCAC schools ranked really well. I think people already know this, but it's good to have data behind the "hunch."

Bogeyorpar posted:
2019Dad posted:

Williams and Amherst right next to each other in your rankings, Bogey -- more fuel for that rivalry! ;-)

Middlebury is right next to them as well ... and with @Gov 's kid joining, they may surpass Williams and Amherst next year

Overall, NESCAC schools ranked really well. I think people already know this, but it's good to have data behind the "hunch."

LOL... that would be great!  Smoke won't like that.  Midd's HC Leonard seems to have picked up some solid players for 2017 and 2018's class.  Really looking forward to seeing how all of this pans out...  Leonard is determined to make a Midd baseball statement.

Better than none. While not all these schools are hard to get into, I applaud any young man or women who attends any of these schools. Even the ones that are easier to get into, are many times difficult to Graduate from. Especially when Athletics or other extracurricular activities are thrown in. (and hanging out at the bar is not an approved extracurricular activity. )

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