You folks might not be aware but in our neck of the ocean the NLI/BSP signings are special. They're at a luau on a wide expanse of beach near the Banzai Pipeline and include everyone going anywhere, playing any sport. The signings are held at dawn and the signees wear tuxes or gowns but are barefoot because of all the sand. Terns and petrels and wedge-tailed shearwaters wheel across the sky, their cries sometimes muted by waves crashing in the background.
A robe-draped kahuna blows a big conch shell, the signal for all to gather by the imu pit. Typical luau food: steamed pig, chicken long rice, lomi lomi salmon, pork lau lau, poi, haupia, and an 8 oz carton of POG. It's pretty good, even at breakfast.
A huge portable screen displays live TV coverage, where each kid gets their one minute of fame. They're given a massive Elmer's display board facsimile of their letter -- like those huge checks you see at fund raisers and golf tournaments. At the top of the board is a kid's head shot, with a king's or queen's crown superimposed on them. The kids sign their boards with brand new big fat Sharpies that are later donated to Goodwill, the Salvation Army, and the Odd Fellows Temple.
After the signings the kids gather for a blessing from the kahuna. Public school kids sit on the left, private school kids on the right. The D1 kids sit in front, D2s in 2nd row, and each year the D3s and NAIA kids alternate between the 3rd and 4th rows. Two of my sons sat in the third row, and one in the fourth row. Two out of three isn't bad. I'm not sure why but JUCO kids are always in the last row. However, any kid who makes All State First Team, or All Conference First team during their junior year or earlier can sit anywhere they want.
After the blessing some of the attendees go ahead and surf. It's a great event, though parking is a hassle.
Here are some pics:
Kahuna blowing conch seabird wheeling across sky


Luau seating

big screen projection

Imu pit

D1 athletes after ceremony. Note seating assignment

post blessing surfing

tough parking