Made a D3 visit recently with 2014. More of a campus tour/admissions visit than specifically for athletics. Really, just wanted to see the school. Checked the boxes on the visit form to meet with coaches (baseball and football).
Met with head baseball coach. Nice visit, straight shooter, old school kind of guy. Said you either make the varsity of the j.v. in the spring and go from there. Said 2014 could play both sports if he wanted. Left it with a hope to see you in the fall and thanks for coming.
Football was a similar approach though they weren't as positive about the idea of doing both, but not against it either. Come out in the fall and you either make varsity or j.v. squad. However, they wrapped things up in a completely different matter. Said they would follow up with a visit from a football recruiter at his high school, and would be in touch weekly with either mail or phone calls.