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This is from our local paper. Once a week a Mom writes in. Well, this week a husband of one of the Moms posted a blog. I thought it was worth passing on.

Daddy Diaries: My wife, my hero

The shrill screams of terror probably were heard by our neighbors on that fateful morning.
It seemed as though it would be an ordinary day in our house, filled with peanut butter and jelly, dirty diapers and Cinderella. My wife was fast at work in her office and I — well, I was engrossed in a serious game of “What’s That Sound?” with my 2-year-old son.

Then, it happened — the moment that forever changed my daughter’s life. It started with my daughter’s yell for me, “Daddy! Come quick! Hurry, Daddy, HURRY!”
I quickly turned the corner to see Lilly standing at the top of the stairs, frozen in fear. All I could do was ask what was wrong. The words that followed are words that would put fear into the hearts of fellow Yankees everywhere.
“Daddy, there’s a lizard!”

I froze. Then, I screamed!

My daughter was looking at me to save her, and I was looking at my wife to save me. I hate lizards! To me, they are snakes with legs. What’s worse than a snake? A snake that can run after you!

Enter my beautiful Cajun wife. She ran up the stairs (keep in mind, she is five months pregnant), took my daughter’s hand and told her to “take care of Daddy.”

So, Lilly came down to me and asked that fateful question, “Daddy, why didn’t you save me? Are you scared?”

What was I supposed to tell her? So, I told her what any self-respecting dad would, “Yes, I am scared, and Mommy will save us!”

That was the point when my daughter will forever know her dad is scared of lizards and frankly, I’m OK with that.

More importantly, she learned that if there is a bug, don’t go to Dad — Mom will save us! I’m OK with that, too.
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