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So my team just had a very tough workout yesterday, and it was my first hard one in a while (not good I know). So when I woke up today I had trouble moving out of bed because of the terrible soreness I am expiriencing, so my question is what I can do today and the other days after a tough workout? I know that jogging and stretching are good and I am going to do that later today... How long would an effective jog be and what should it consist of?
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Just a small jog, or any light movement (basketball is good too if your coach allows it) will increase blood flow. After that light activity stretch for a good 15-20 minutes,, holding each stretch for 30-45 seconds. Then contract showers alternating from very warm to very cold can help recovery dramatically. 1 minute at each temperature, then switch. Repeat 3-4 times.

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