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I would like to start off by saying that I think the High School Baseball Web is great for baseball. But what the Texas forum has become is a stomping ground for people to drag out controversy between different organizations. This is very sad….. I received a call tonight from a guy that runs one of the other organizations in Dallas saying “Cade tell your guys to be careful, people on the HSBW are trying to get you guys to talk so you will look bad”. So I called Kiser tonight and told him the only way to stop this is for all of us to quit posting. I believe the only reason we (DBAT) gets a bad rap is that we have too many DBAT people posting on this site. It makes parents from other organations feel like we are getting too much pub.

I would like to tell all of you what we are really all about. I have been in this business for 8 year now. DBAT has help tiger kids, mustang kids, dragon kids, and many more get scholarships in this area. Just 2 weeks ago I emailed Sam, Shayne, Tommy, Omar, Eddie, Hubbard, Browning, and a couple others and asked them if they had any guys that are still looking for a college. All replied with commits. Then we held a clinic at DBAT where I had an Ivey league school in looking to sign kids. We have 5 DBAT kids, 7 Mustang kids, 2 Tigers, 5 Barracuda’s, 3 Ronin kids, and many more. We did this for nothing other than we are trying to help kids. DBAT also holds 3 juco camps every year at no cost and invites 20 or so kids to come in and work out so they may get some type of scholarship. This is what we are all about. I would invite any parent for any organization to come and sit down with me and ask me any questions about how to help there son. Just today I had a dad call who’s son played for another organization last year and went to a big 12 school this year. He was asking me for help to find his kid another home. I made 4 calls today to D1’s for him. I will do the same for you. If your kid is a GOOD kid I am here to help.

Something else that all of you should know is I am very good friends with Sam, Shayne, Omar, Jeremy, Tommy, Linty, Nathan, Nick, Jim, and ect… There is not a week that goes by that I do not talk to at least 6 or 7 of these guys. Most of you try to act like we hate each other and we do not. Matter of fact I have had lunch or dinner with every one of the names above at least once in the last 6 months about different issues. I respect all of them and I believe they will tell you the same about us. I do understand that each of you parents has one goal and that is to help YOUR kid. Believe it or not but all the names listed above also have one goal and that is to help YOUR kid reach his. It does not matter to us what shirt he is wearing. I truly believe this about all of these guys and my Organization.

Lets all try to change the tone of this message board to understand how to help the kids.
Cade Griffis
Original Post

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Cade I totally agree with you on all points. How many times as coaches have we said "everything would go great if we could keep the parents out of the equation"? Ok don't start throwing rocks at me yet and let me explain. As many years as I have been in baseball it always seemed to me that if there were arguments it was the parents...not the kids. If there was bad mouthing between teams its was parents not the kids.

We need to remember why we are all here. KIDS!!!

I would be just as happy hearing that Mr. McKinney from the DBats organization signed a letter of intent as I would if Mr. Phillips from the Panthers organization.

I can't tell you how many times I have been in a dugout with the players while there would be a parent outside the fence griping about playing time, playing in the wrong position,or what part of the order thier son was hitting in, and that player would drop his head and say that he wish his mom and/or dad would just be quiet.

I hope that everyone of these kids get the opportunity to fulfill thier dreams in baseball, wherever that might lead them.
One thing is for sure....they are playing the greatest game in the world, in the greatest country in the world.

You know I love you man.

But I've got one question..........

When Gage plays for DBAT 12U will he be hitting in the 3 hole or the 4 hole.

The reason I'm asking is because some colleges will be coming out to watch him and he really does better when he hits in the 4 hole.

If we can't work something out, I will be taking his talents elsewhere. We've had 6 teams call us this summer.

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

P.S. You better start shooting your bow cause big daddy is going down this year.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Cade, thank you for some insight. I appreciate taking a "peek behind the curtain." While, we've never played for any of teams that get mentioned on this website, I have observed that the better your organization is the bigger the target on your back. I'm sad about that, but it does seem to be some human's nature. Please keep doing what your organization is doing. Hold your heads high and be proud. It appears that you not only talk the talk, but you walk the walk when it comes to being all about the kids. Terrific job and a sincere congratulations for making it possible for more kids to get seen. I do believe the heart of your organization is in the right place!

Last year Sam and the Mustangs were getting bashed on this website for hosting the Connie Mack deal and not playing in BBI.

This year DBAT is the target.

Last fall, Tommy and the Tigers were getting roasted for a tryout fee.

Venom has struck other programs as well.

There is always something when you are considered a quality program. There will always be a player or parent who are unhappy and they come on here and vent.

I guess folks just can't be please with where they are playing, so they vent against other organizations, and these are easy targets.

Just keep doing what you are doing for the kids and let this junk roll off like water off a duck's back.
I will second that. If not for DBAT and the old Dallas Texans where my son began playing select ball, I don't believe he would have got near the opportunities and looks. Josh was able to pick the school HE WANTED to attend and get a college education and play DI baseball. One thing I have always respected is that Cade and the DBAT staff never tried to sugarcoat. They let us know what they saw that was good and what was bad. HONESTY! These are just a couple of reasons that DBAT will always have my respect and gratitude.

Kelly Wilson
Originally posted by KCR:
Ken if Gage does not hit in the 3 hole it will be your fault. Because you and only you will be making the line up. I am done coaching.... Gehrig already doesn't listen to me. But since I am now working for the White Sox he is already got it made. We don't need you to hit him in the 4 hole.

I ain't coaching no more either.

1. Because I like fishing too much.

2. Because Edlestein won't be my assistant.

3. Because Kyle can't find a uniform big enough for me.

4. Because I am gonna be an advisor for my son instead of a coach. Those guys seem way cooler.

5. Last but not least, I won't coach a Dbat team anymore because they are not Premeir.

Big Grin Big Grin

P.S. The Gehrig doesn't listen to you is because he and I had a little talk. I told him that his parents will try to dictate his career but to listen to me for suggestions.

We agreed that I will advise him.

10% of all negotiated contracts. Wink

Sorry bout your bad luck, maybe you should be more in tune with your childs life. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I am glade Cade did not ask us to stop posting yet and I hope he doesn't. I actually have cut way back on my posting and have avoided some of the fay.

The baseball community as Cade described it is alive and well. Just yesterday afternoon I had a great conversation with Meat's coach from last falls team. He has a genuine interest in how the player does, he had good things to say about the organization Meat is with now. We talked about some of the other teams both teams will face this summer, rainouts and injuries.

I will do my best not to get in the way of any of the area baseball people of helping Meat out. I guess that means not posting as much on subjects that could lead people to tie my posts to my son's summer team.
My son went over to DBAT to try out for a college. He was suppose to be there at 4:30, but because of exams he could not get there until 4:55. He was driving from Ft. Worth and was totally stressed with all the traffic. He went into the cage and did terrible. Cade knew about his exams and driving from Ft.Worth. He told my son to go warm up and come back to hit once more. My son did much better and wants to be seen by this school again. Cade did not know my son from the man in the moon. He was very generous in telling my son to relax and spend some time warming up. This college coach was on a tight schedule, but they both Cade and this coach gave my son some extra time to get his mind focused on batting etc. Our first impression of Cade is he is a first class guy and it seems that he runs a first class program.

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