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A local D1 just posted 3 camps for May.  Just like that they're coming down.  This thing has been extended so many times that my advice to any uncommitted kid would be to assume it's extended though December.  Prepare and put a plan together with December being the case.  If it's lifted earlier than December, its frosting.  But get a plan in place that doesn't put an ounce into the DP being lifted in 2021.  Resist the urge to think "well, they've extended it so much and so long that they HAVE to be pretty close to lifting it."  Many of us thought the EXACT same thing over the last year - MANY different times.  Everybody remember when you were almost 100% sure that school and everything would be back to normal by the fall of 2020?  It seemed almost like common sense.  All but guaranteed.  Like "how COULDN'T things be pretty much normal by fall?"  Today we still have millions of kids who haven't stepped into a physical classroom despite school ending in 3 months.  Again, resist the urge to say "we'll just have to hit the camps/showcases/etc super heavy this summer to compensate."  That's what EVERYONE is saying.  Be the guy who gets creative NOW.  Find ways to stand out NOW.  The NCAA does not care one bit about you, your common sense, or your plan.

Sorry if this horse has already been beaten to death, but the long and painful D1 dead period is finally coming to an end for baseball. Here's to everyone's phones blowing up on 6/8.

(e) March 1 through July 31, 2021 - Contact Period
[except for (1) through (3) below]:
  (1) May 31 through June 7, 2021: Dead Period
  (2) June 19-21, 2021: Dead Period
  (3) July 3-5, 2021:  Dead Period

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