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My "old" friend, how have you been????? You are right, it has been very quite on these boards. Not like the old days! angry

But since we have been away from the high school scene for a few years, I guess we have mellowed a bit.

My sons doing great in college with his academics and of coarse, baseball! How are things with you and your family??
Dear Boomer,

Devilman has made an honest attempt to stir up some good ol' West Suburban Conference poop slingin' with talk of "another smackdown" and you come back with "old friend" and "mellowed a bit" and even "How are things with you and your family?"

What is this world coming to?

The WSC used to be world famous for the epic battles that would take place on this board. There used to be 4 or 5 locked threads at a time strictly about HC vs. LT, nevermind OPRF. And that's just the Silver Division.

Alas, all the old rivalries seem to have "mellowed" and we are left with mostly rain outs.

I recommend that the moderator locks this thread immediately before it gets out of hand and we all get invited to a WSC fellowship meeting to be held in Sweaty's basement.

Mike, you crack me up!!! I didn't think that there were enough of us "old timers" left around on these boards to remember the good-old-days!!!! I do have to admit that it was difficult to be nice to DevilMan. He is a good soul, just a little misguided (here we go!!!!!)

I have yet to get to a game, but need to do that soon. I've been by LT's field since they re-did the place and it looks pretty nice. You still though, can't read the scoreboard where it says that LT won a championship in 2003 because the lettering is so small, but you can certainly read who contributed to the scoreboard (Booster Club - big deal ). Typical LT!!! You have nothing to say about this DevilMan!!!!!!

I miss all of the games, the kids, and the parents. I can't believe its been almost two years already. I look at the website almost every day just to see whats going on. I spend most of my computer time viewing my sons school and conference websites for information, plus being on the site.

How is your family?
Boomer, it sure seems like Andy is doing well at U of R and having some fun. I saw that he stole home in a game the other day. How often did he steal home in HS? Nothing is more fun than stealing home. And congratulations on his superb freshman year.

We're all great here (after we get out of our wet clothes and get dried off every day). We even get to see some baseball from time to time. It should be another fun year.

Mike F
Mike F....

He has a great coach at UR! Andy has also had great instruction from the coaching staff there as well. I still give a tremendous amount of credit though for his offensive success to the guys at Strikes. Especially Jim Donovan who he has worked with for almost four years. And of coarse, Steve Hayward. Another person at Strikes who I think was very helpful also was Scott Nelson, the owner. Back in eighth grade, Andy started catching bullpens for Scott to learn how to catch. He taught him how to "call" pitches during an at-bat, how to frame pitches, how to setup behind the plate. I really think this has helped Andy with his hitting, recognizing a pitch early enough to decide what to do with it.

Well anyway, I hope to see you at one of the games soon!!

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