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He did.

"I threw OK, but I got outpitched," Maddux said. "Their guy didn't make many mistakes and pitched a very good game. He shut down a team that's been swinging the bats really good the last few games."

"He had a good idea up there for being a Triple-A guy," Cubs second baseman Todd Walker said of Duke. "He held us down and Greg threw a good game, too, but you're not going to win if you can't score."

Ya think Todd??

Game Story
Last edited by Dad04
First - Wonderful/magical as always Zach! - Still am puzzeled however why the Pirates waited so long to call you up.

Second - The comment by Walker is "punkish" and in my mind clearly illuminates who the real "bush league" player is.

Third - Of all the nice comments from Baker, he said "The main thing was he threw strikes"

Young pitchers out there should be modeling their approach to games after Zach.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
First - Wonderful/magical as always Zach! - Still am puzzeled however why the Pirates waited so long to call you up.

They wanted to see if he could handle AAA for a while. Secondly, it was a business decision. If he would have been called up before June 1, he would have been a free agent a year earlier and a restricted free agent a year earlier. This way they get to keep his rights longer and cheaper.

After all, it is a business!
Last edited by Bighit15
I think you guys are getting Walker's meaning wrong. I didn't take ith that way at all. What he was implying is that most guys from AAA aren't that competent and have to take time to learn the big league hitters. jmo

MLB is a game of adjustments. Not to diminish Zach's accomplishments, but first time around the teams don't know him yet. Big league hitters will adjust and the more they see him, the more they will adjust and then Zach will have to adjust as well. That is what makes Zach so good in my opinion is his advanced understanding of what he needs to do. He also studies tape as much as he can. Smart kid.

Whatever the explanation, Todd should either give credit where credit is due - or shut his yapping mouth.

Snide slaps at the pitcher are obvious - and unappreciated.

I hope Toddie goes 0 for 300 the rest of the season.

You need to be careful when you open your yapper in the press - IMO.

Bottom line - Toddie lost - the Dukie won.
Perhaps Todd should be back in AAA - LOL
Last edited by itsinthegame
He did compliment him. He said that Zach held them down. Regardles of how you read what he said. Remember that it is a quote from the CUBS website. Why should a player gush on another teams player? He said he threw well. He was probably surprised that a guy straight from AAA was doing so well. Veterans are not going to kiss a rooks behind until he proves himself for a little more than 3 outings.

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