Originally Posted by freddy77:
Originally Posted by coach2709:
Yeah this is all read on 2B part when we run this..... The 2B has the play in front of him developing to help determine let it go or cut and make play at 3B.
The one thing I try to teach is if you cut the ball then you better go for the runner at 3B. There's no point in cutting this throw and standing there. That accomplishes nothing. If they make the cut then they better make a play on the runner at 3B.
I don't mean to be argumentative, but if I'm reading this right, you have enough faith in your MIF to allow him to decide whether or not to cut the ball, but you don't have faith in his judgment to possibly eat the ball if a play on R3 looks unfavorable? (R3 is almost at home plate, or R3 didn't stray far from third base).
Completely understand your question - no argument at all.
I expect and coach our 2B to come across and decide if there is a chance at the runner at third or not. What we teach is to look at distance from the base and direction of shoulders turned.
If the runner is fairly close to third then shoulders don't matter - let the throw go through to SS.
If the runner is far off (let's say a step or two outside of the cutout and down towards home) then we cut and go after him. Maybe run at him or throw to our 3B.
If it's that middle area that's tough to determine if they are too far or not far enough we teach look at shoulders. If the shoulders are turned toward home then we cut and make the play at 3B. If the shoulders are square or turned back to 3B then we let the throw go through.
The vast majority of throws are going to go through to 2B. But on that off chance the other team wants to try something they will tip their hand with either an aggressive lead (we cut) or they will start toward home with shoulders (we cut) a little early. Outside of that the throw goes through with the 2B making the fake cut action as they come across.
Early in pre - season practice we will have OF off doing something else while we work this with coaches simulating runners at 3B. We know what to give the guys in terms of looks as they come across so we get early teaching points in. As the season progresses then we will incorporate the whole team being baserunners because it helps us work our 1st / 3rd offense while working our defense at same time. We might spend a 20 minute block on this twice during the week in pre - season and a 10 minute block once a week during the season.
The reason I posted I don't want them cutting and holding a throw is by doing this we have given up a base without any attempt to get them out. If a throw is cut then it better be because we have a very good chance of getting the runner at 3B. Overall, we don't run the MIF cut play all that much except late in games or if we know the team is aggressive. When you run this play you open yourself up to the offensive team start doing nothing but hitting and running on you. This opens up your defense and all they have to do is put bat on ball and you're in trouble.
Last thought, and I think this will get us on the same page, if my 2B is coming across on a bad throw I want them to cut it then. No point in putting the SS in bad spot to try and save the run.