One of the cool things about this site is that we occasionally get to see the kids of our HSBBW friends play.
Yesterday my son and I had the pleasure of sitting with Deldad's wife and watching his son pitch a Triple-A game in which he shut out the Padres Portland affiliate for 6 innings, allowing 4 sketchy hits. Deldad was back in balmy Chicago (and it was 46 degrees at the 2 pm game time in Portland!)
Hear this: Deldad's son is the real deal. He will be pitching for the Angels, probably this year.
But the coolest thing was watching him pitch, sitting next to his delightful mother, one of the most calm and charming people anyone could imagine. Especially given the fact I met her 5 minutes before the first pitch.
Deldad: I can see where your son gets his composure!
He was terrific.
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