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I agree. If one really did a better search, you would find that there was an e-coli outbreak back in august at a daycare. FBM did mention it was a 4 year old boy and there is a possiblity.
Not all local e-coli outbreaks (I think it was 3-4) make national news or google. Search the Denver Post.
Last edited by TPM
Thanks for the supportive words. What I found most insulting was the snide remark about getting information from an old lady (she would be highly insulted) who got the information from a pre-schooler (she actually got it from her daughter, the mother of the pre-schooler) ... that comment was way overboard and totally unnecessary . The mother of the pre-schooler, by the way, is a college grad, stay-at-home mom of 3 that I have known since she was 7 or 8 years old, and she is very involved in her children's lives and schools and I believe her. If and when I hear anything else, I will let you know.

TPM ...
I checked the Denver papers today, as well as the Pagosa Springs' papers for naught. And those Pagosa papers are ... well, let's just say they aren't very big and have little 'news' if you know what I mean.
Originally posted by micdsguy:
TPM, you own a restaurant? Try looking at it from the other side. (e-coli is often caused by fecal material in food)

I saw on the locals news tonight a segment called Dirty Movies. They went into 4 movie theaters (not named) and took samples of what was found on the seats. Check this out... e-coli, diptheria and salmonella to name a few. I don't know about you but I'll eat in a resturant before I go to a movie theater again!
OOps, I may have just put the movie industry out of business!!!!

Whatever, there was no restaurant named, get over it.
Last edited by TPM
Hard to match a computer keyboard for germs. (crumbs, you know)

My new one has some antimicrobial stuff impregnated into the plastic for that reason. The manual said most keyboards are many, many times germier than a toilet seat (which seems to be some sort of germ standard even tho they're actually pretty clean).

No restaurant was mentioned but I doubt that little town has many fast food ones. People tend to fill in gaps in these stories, too Smile
Last edited by micdsguy
Originally posted by micdsguy:
No restaurant was mentioned but I doubt that little town has many fast food ones. People tend to fill in gaps in these stories, too Smile

If that was your concern, all you needed to do was send me a message suggesting that I take that particular note out of my post, explaining yourself in a mature and kind way, and dagnabit, I would have done just that. Instead you chose to respond by question my sources, making a snide/insulting comment about how I got the information, etc. And the highest insult, of course, is to compare me to a poster who posts for (seemingly) the kick he gets out of seeing his name so often on the board.

My sole intent was to get the little boy's name out there so he could be blanketed in prayer. You certainly did a good job of quelching that goal, didn't you?

I am checking with my neighbor to see what, if anything, she has heard from her daughter on an update on little Isaac's health.
Spoke with my neighbor yesterday afternoon and she gave great news. Seems Isaac ... despite several days in ICU, a full tranfusion, and several days of dialysis ... is now home and recovering from his ordeal. Praise God.

I am sure he has a little time before he is 100% but the human body is a remarkable creation of God that is so much more resilient than we can imagine.

Thanks to all who cared enough to pray.

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