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I plan to write to the commissioner's office before the end of the week and explain to him what the HSBBW is and how it works, and that there are literally hundreds of contributors to this site that want dramatic change in baseball pertaining to its handling of steroid abuse. The best of what baseball has to offer is found here. I want the office to know this fact.

Sign me up on the list.

You may be wasting your time writing Bud Selig, because he's seemed to have gone into hiding since the Bonds steroid info has been released. Maybe if you contact America's Most Wanted, they can post Bud's picture on some milk cartons until he's found.

I would recommend dropping a note to Sen. John McCain. That may get some wheels turning publicity wise.
Sorry folks, I verified some info today on my statment.
Creatine, if not used properly, dehydrates. Dehydrates everything in your body, works very hard on the kidneys.

Not here to debate.

Creatine supplements can cuse dehydration and cramping, because it helps puul fluid into tissue. That's why the directions say to drink plenty of water.

Anything used improperly can dehydate you, increase kidney workload, or kill you. That list would include potato chips, salty peanuts, fried chicken...heck, if you use Tylenol improperly, it'll kill you.

Creatine and steroids are two completely different, unrelated subjects.
I've personally seen how the use of steroids and HGH can make a mockery out of established sports records.
I'm in favor of an INDEPENDENT lab that would test ALL professional athletes (I'm still thinking about NASCAR) funded by a tax on the revenues of the sports involved.
Otherwise I'll content myself on the impecably clean pro wrestling circut.

Originally posted by theEH: carry extra weight for what? More weight just make's you slower.

The extra weight EH?

I've found that my considerable extra weight has come in real handy at times...take for instance when you're first in line at the beef stand...and you've got a hungry, restless, and rowdy line behind's nice to be immovable, or at least give that impression. Most beef stand line cutters will not take on the challenge.

And what I'm most proud of...I've accomplished all of this without the crutch of creatine...I've done it the old fashioned way...beef sandwich by beef sandwich...with much persistence and patience, along with money saving coupons...slowly the girth amassed!

And as far as the extra weight making one slower...that's not been my experience at all...from front seat to a spot in line at the counter I will always manage 7.0 or less...always...even in icy weather! tater

Seriously...not diminishing the importance of this topic...trying to make this bumpy road back to the top just a little entertaining!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Living out hear in SF giant's country.
Listening to the Flagship station of the Giants Sports Talk Radio to and from work everyday.
And hearing people defend Bonds, are any other player that has taken Steroids.
Like that is what the Fan's want. They want to see the Long Ball.
I believe that Over 90 percent of True Baseball Fan's, Parent's of Baseball Little Leaguers Thru MLB Players, Baseball Coaches,
Trainers, And anybody else that Cares.
Want to see a level playing Field.
I don't want to see Superstar's anymore.
I couldn't careless about HR's.
Yes a good shot over the fence is fine, it just shouldn't be the main focus of Baseball.

They the defenders of Steroids Just don't get it.
There's something about Baseball in a America, That All Players that start to Play this Great game.
Somehow has a chance to Dream that someday I can play in the MAJOR LEAGUE'S.
Weather that Dream come's true are not, It's still a Dream.

And STEROIDS Destroy's that Dream at the Core.

I'm an old, old-fashioned baseball fan. I like smart baserunning, DPs, squeeze plays, and plays at the plate. I think the most exciting hit in baseball is the triple, where there's a race between the hitter and the fielder's arm. I believe nothing is prettier than a well-executed hit and run. I love defense and am appalled at shoddy defense and poor throws. Dramatic home runs are wonderful (think Pujols against Lidge in the NLCS), but I'm not the least bit disappointed to watch a game without any hr at all.

Chemically bulking up to increase the number of hr in a game that is so multifacted is to pander to the lowest common denominator "fan". It's taking that other abomination, the DH, to its extreme.
Wow Orlando!...will you sit next to me at the next game?

You've managed to say exactly how I feel about baseball much better than I could have.

It really is a great game...all facets of the game should be appreciated in my opinion.

I can not recall anyone ever expressing their delight at watching a triple...I agree with you completely...truly the most exciting hit and defensive effort combined on the same play! Have you ever seen a stand up triple?

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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