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My son was throwing 80 as a HS freshman pitcher and he from what I have seem takes pretty good care of his arm throughout HS. By his Senior season he was gunned at 81 during games, which means he only picked up 1 MPH in 4 years. He is currently playing college ball as a freshman and is throwing 81-82 with good movement. Anyone has any conditioning tips or arm strenghtening tips?
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That sounds almost impossible - just maturing and getting older naturally should have led to an increase in his velocity.

Could you give us more information about him

His size as a freshman to senior year
How much he lifted from FR to SR year
How much did he stretch from same years
How much long tossing
Are his college coaches having him do things differently than when he was in HS

There might be something in that information to help us be able to give you a better solution.

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