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I wanted to return to this subject after Jupiter. I love Diamondkast. It worked well at Jupiter for every game I followed (which was a lot of games). It also allows me to look into a few things that always confuse me since it gives velos for every pitch. I often see these guys who show top velos that seem to come out of nowhere and have to scratch my head. Info from DK answered quite a lot of these questions. Before I begin, I completely understand that PG has to basically follow a thousand pitchers or so at a tourney like this and can't correct for every input or take the time to find and look into suspicious #'s. 

When I take a look at the velocities, I found a few that looked suspicious, so I looked into them on DK. It didn't take long to find a few answers. These are only guys I looked at because I know them or follow them for any variety of reasons. Examples

Player #1:

Now, from Jupiter has a high velocity of 90mph. However, when I look closer I am intrigued that he was only topping out at 82 in July and his best ever was an 85 in June. As it turns out, he didn't have another pitch that cleared 84mph in two innings of work and the 90mph was recorded on a ground out. So, it was probably actually an exit velocity. Looking at Trackman confirms it as the high from this game for this pitcher on TM was 84mph.

Player #2:

Topped out at 92 per PG at Jupiter. Closer look reveals more. His previous high had been 87mph in July. His range in that game was 84-92 and, when he pitched two days later, his range was 81-84. Trackman shows him with a high velocity in that game of 88.9 and he came in immediately following a stud who throws a legit 92-94. DK didn't record the pitching change that brought him in, so it's hard to tell if he somehow got credit for the 92 the previous pitcher threw when walking a guy. 

Player #3:

Got credit for a 90mph at Jupiter. Trackman showed him with a high velocity in the game of 86.4mph. The 90mph per DK was on a ball 4 pitch. He was only in for 0.2 innings and his fastballs in that inning were 84, 84, 90, 85, 85, 84, 84, 84, 84. His previous high had been 87 in July. No doubt, he could have winged one in at 90 out of nowhere, but given the TM numbers, I'd guess it was a misread on the gun. 

I found several others with high velos 2-3 mph above any other pitch and they were almost always on a struck ball, so I believe there are probably a few high velos out there that are questionable. I wouldn't expect PG to be able to catch these, so it's no indictment on PG. I was watching one game, though, where they obviously did catch it. There was a 95mph measured on a loud foul ball. No other pitch by this guy was above 88. It stood several hours after the game, but, when I checked back the next day, it had been taken off the play-by-play and no velocity was entered for that pitch.

All-in-all, though, I found Diamondkast to be well worth the money and made a lot of games more interesting to me than they otherwise might have been. I'm only sad that this is the end of the road for my kid as far as travel ball goes. It made Jupiter sort of sad.


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roothog66 posted:

I wanted to return to this subject after Jupiter. I love Diamondkast. It worked well at Jupiter for every game I followed (which was a lot of games). It also allows me to look into a few things that always confuse me since it gives velos for every pitch. I often see these guys who show top velos that seem to come out of nowhere and have to scratch my head. Info from DK answered quite a lot of these questions. Before I begin, I completely understand that PG has to basically follow a thousand pitchers or so at a tourney like this and can't correct for every input or take the time to find and look into suspicious #'s. 

When I take a look at the velocities, I found a few that looked suspicious, so I looked into them on DK. It didn't take long to find a few answers. These are only guys I looked at because I know them or follow them for any variety of reasons. Examples

Player #1:

Now, from Jupiter has a high velocity of 90mph. However, when I look closer I am intrigued that he was only topping out at 82 in July and his best ever was an 85 in June. As it turns out, he didn't have another pitch that cleared 84mph in two innings of work and the 90mph was recorded on a ground out. So, it was probably actually an exit velocity. Looking at Trackman confirms it as the high from this game for this pitcher on TM was 84mph.

Player #2:

Topped out at 92 per PG at Jupiter. Closer look reveals more. His previous high had been 87mph in July. His range in that game was 84-92 and, when he pitched two days later, his range was 81-84. Trackman shows him with a high velocity in that game of 88.9 and he came in immediately following a stud who throws a legit 92-94. DK didn't record the pitching change that brought him in, so it's hard to tell if he somehow got credit for the 92 the previous pitcher threw when walking a guy. 

Player #3:

Got credit for a 90mph at Jupiter. Trackman showed him with a high velocity in the game of 86.4mph. The 90mph per DK was on a ball 4 pitch. He was only in for 0.2 innings and his fastballs in that inning were 84, 84, 90, 85, 85, 84, 84, 84, 84. His previous high had been 87 in July. No doubt, he could have winged one in at 90 out of nowhere, but given the TM numbers, I'd guess it was a misread on the gun. 

I found several others with high velos 2-3 mph above any other pitch and they were almost always on a struck ball, so I believe there are probably a few high velos out there that are questionable. I wouldn't expect PG to be able to catch these, so it's no indictment on PG. I was watching one game, though, where they obviously did catch it. There was a 95mph measured on a loud foul ball. No other pitch by this guy was above 88. It stood several hours after the game, but, when I checked back the next day, it had been taken off the play-by-play and no velocity was entered for that pitch.

All-in-all, though, I found Diamondkast to be well worth the money and made a lot of games more interesting to me than they otherwise might have been. I'm only sad that this is the end of the road for my kid as far as travel ball goes. It made Jupiter sort of sad.


+1 - I was literally going to make a similar post but since the last one got out of hand and was closed, decided against it.  

I agree with the above I have seen it for years... but everyone kind of knows it and understands it.  This is why scouts scout.  


looks at every recorded velo on PG, Twitter, Facebook and watches how player "A" hit 95 or player "B" hit 94  ( that's the fan side) not always accurate but gets a lot of "hits" on my twitter page. 

Power 5 coach/ Area scout/Special asst. to GM/ Crosschecker

Grading scale 20 - 80  Current and potential on each pitch, competitiveness, spin rate,  effective to both righties and lefties.

Mound presence, arm action, is it clean or does he "stab" 

body durability ,  can he throw every 5 days ? 

My point is there is a lot of factors.... a lot....  2018 took a cognitive skills test in Jupiter  .... 

While velo is an important element in judging present and potential abilities  as you get further a long it's something that most every player has.

The more important factor is if you can use your velo as a weapon.  96-97 with a strike ratio of 25% will not help anyone.  93-94 commanding both sides of the plate with off speed . 

Now there will be a few closers  that can throw a FB with movement and run and can be very effective at 96-97.... but not likely will they be starters. 

SO  while velo will get you noticed, you have to have a more complete picture than 

tweets like   "SuperBoy hits 94 #stud #velo  #into the backstop #walked the bases loaded

as far as PG is concerned  you have to measure something and with as many as they measure you are going to have a couple of miss reads.

the most important factor is fast ball cruising speed.  if you are 96 in the 1st inning and 96 in the 5th inning.... your gold... I only know one that can do this.... and he's likely a 1/1 to 1/10

Sitting speed is the factor, not the top out.... the top out is only good for a maybe a ceiling issue.




Last edited by bacdorslider

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