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I found some of dick mills pitching videos on vhs on ebay for only $40(high bid so far) it comes with 5 videos
* Teaching Pitching Mechanics by the Numbers;
* My Favority Pitching Drills;
* Recognizing Problems in the Delivery;
* 30 Minutes to a Great Delivery; and
* Ryan Mills - 1995 Top High School Lefty
DO you think that it is worth bidding on?
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quote]Ryan Mills - 1995 Top High School Lefty
DO you think that it is worth bidding on?[/quote]


Reason is, we (meaning a lot of parents and their kids) were having trouble gaining velocity after being on the program for a year. We initially lost velocity figuring the new postures to be learned were the cause. But we gained back the velocity with Dick’s program mechanics. Even after talking to Dick on the phone, we knew there simply had to be something wrong.....we were missing something through cyberspace translation. We urged him to make a video with his he did. When I received the video, I viewed it first and couldn't believe what I was seeing. I decided to show my son.......his reaction.....Ryan was not doing what his father was teaching. Even in the video, Dick would give an instruction and Ryan would do something different. So I questioned Dick about why his own son wasn't following his instruction on the new video featuring his son. Dick's response as usual was evasive. He changed the focus of my question and instead referred to a "highly respected" professional scout or pitching instructor who said "he really wasn't interested in what Ryan was doing in the video. He was more interested in what Dick was saying" and that's all Dick was concerned about anyway. The rest is history, Ryan eventually started throwing like Dick's instruction and fell into obscurity.

This is not an opinion.............this is a fact.

And to all of you teachers/instructors out here......have you ever apologized to your son for wasting almost two years of their career, changing how they threw, then come to the realization that you have been duped by a professional dupe artist? Pretty humbling. But then...your son tells you its okay, let’s find out what we need to do to get it right. What character.

Last edited by cap_n
But on his site ( there is a forum with thousands of members and there is tons of post about how dick mills program has helped them tremendously. why is that?

If you've been fortunate enough to personally instruct many throwers, you'll eventually realize that no matter what mechanics are used, most all throwers will hit a wall at around 86mph. It's the next 5-10mph that are the most difficult to gain.

So, any gain is a gain. Growing spurts, muscles being trained and throwing more in general will get you a gain of some kind up to a point as I stated.

And remember, Dick likes to take credit for Barry Zito.....yet Barry Zito's mechanics simply do not resemble his early pitching mastery instruction way, shape or form.

There's no need for me to continue this conversation.

Last edited by cap_n
A fastball that is well above what hitters are used to seeing with good location will usually be effective even without much movement for an inning or two.

Probably the best example of a fastball with little movement is Frankie Rodriguez who relies on location and working off his great breaking stuff. If he had to rely on the fastball alone he'd get hammered even though he is a mid 90s guy.
Last edited by CADad

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