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JL Bird,

Just so I understand this....

At 13 you were throwing 72mph on 60'6" mound. You got hurt. Now you throw 64.

A couple of questions for you:

1. What does "about 72" mean? Does it mean 71? Does it mean 65?
2. Why would you think you would be "pumping 80" soon?
3. How do you know you were doing "exactly" what was on the tape?

There are many variables in throwing and to attribute your pitching demise to 1 thing (Mills' tape) is ludicrous.
I'm sorry I'll make things clearer.

I threw 72 tops as a 13 year old.

I worked on Mills stuff, conditioned, changed my mechanics to be "correct". Exactly what he told me to do.

Next year my top speed is 64. I continually throw every week and it is 64. I lost 8 MPH!

I am throwing exactly how Mr. Mills told me to throw.

Then after about 2 months of throwing 64.
My arm gets injured.

I didn't make that clear, I got injured after 2 months of throwing with his mechanics throwing 64 tops.

I don't know why everyone on this forum accuses me of lies, this is the truth. I don't know what else to say.

I knew I was doing exactly on the tape because I was. I kept my shoulders inline, I took my leg exactly down and out. I got my glove arm up. I took my throwing arm up inline.

I was doing exactly what he said. I videotaped it, compared it and everything.

The reason I thought I'd be throwing 80 is because that's what he claimed. He said if I follow exactly what he says, I should gain 5-10 mph minimum. I followed exactly what he said and I lost speed.

There are many variables in throwing and to attribute your pitching demise to 1 thing (Mills' tape) is ludicrous. from Red bird 5

The only thing I worked on that winter was the DM's program. Absolutely nothing else. All I worked on was pitching, with the DM program.

I dont' see how that is ludicrious to think that the DM program caused me to lose speed, when that was the only thing I worked on.

You tell me, what else could it be?

Mr. Mills is a great guy and he truly wants to help, but from my experience myself and with others, he does not help.

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Originally posted by J.L. Bird:
I'm sorry I'll make things clearer.

I threw 72 tops as a 13 year old.

I worked on Mills stuff, conditioned, changed my mechanics to be "correct". Exactly what he told me to do.

Next year my top speed is 64. I continually throw every week and it is 64. I lost 8 MPH!

I am throwing exactly how Mr. Mills told me to throw.

Then after about 2 months of throwing 64.
My arm gets injured.

I didn't make that clear, I got injured after 2 months of throwing with his mechanics throwing 64 tops.

I don't know why everyone on this forum accuses me of lies, this is the truth. I don't know what else to say.

I knew I was doing exactly on the tape because I was. I kept my shoulders inline, I took my leg exactly down and out. I got my glove arm up. I took my throwing arm up inline.

I was doing exactly what he said. I videotaped it, compared it and everything.

The reason I thought I'd be throwing 80 is because that's what he claimed. He said if I follow exactly what he says, I should gain 5-10 mph minimum. I followed exactly what he said and I lost speed.

_There are many variables in throwing and to attribute your pitching demise to 1 thing (Mills' tape) is ludicrous._ from Red bird 5

The only thing I worked on that winter was the DM's program. Absolutely nothing else. All I worked on was pitching, with the DM program.

I dont' see how that is ludicrious to think that the DM program caused me to lose speed, when that was the only thing I worked on.

You tell me, what else could it be?

Mr. Mills is a great guy and he truly wants to help, but from my experience myself and with others, he does not help.

My advice is not to "buy into" or believe in any quick fix marketing products that are out on the market. There is big money in baseball and it starts at little league. Get advice from your coaches on how to improve and go from there.

Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game—and do it by watching first some high-school or small-town teams.
Jacques Barzun
NY Times 31 May 81

A few more questions:

1. At 13 you were throwing from 60'6" mound?
2. How did you get so many radar gun readings?

An arm injury could have been forming for a while. To attribute your arm problem and decreased velocity to following a certain methodology within 2 months is unrealistic.

You ask: "what else could it be?" I have no clue. I wasn't there with you. How long had you been throwing? Did you take any time off to rest your arm? You mention arm problems - what kind of injury? Are you still throwing 64 or did another guru get you throwing gas? Can you post some of the video?

Please don't take my questions as defense for Mr. Mills. I do not care for him or his methods.
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Yes I was throwing from 60 foot mounds at 13. That has no effect on speed though.

My coach had a radar gun.

I do Mills mechanics,(thats the absolute only thing I worked on), I was throwing slower, and got injured. I never got injured before I was on his program.

I threw 3 times week.

Last time I was clocked was when I was 15(beginning sophomore year) and threw 86, but control was an issue. I got rid of all the DM in my delivery. Haven't been injured since.
"As has been stated previously, Mills covers all the basics. So if someone teaches the fundamental mechanics that protect the arm and build core strength, explain how that keeps your velocity down?"

But who decides what the "basics" and "fundamental mechanics" are? This expert says one thing, that expert says something else and so on. So, as the unmentioned one has pointed out, there is no settled definition of good pitching/throwing mechanics that is accepted all across baseball. So either you pick your expert and hope you were right. Or you do your due diligence research using both their track record and comparing what they say against slow motion clips of the best in the world. In other words, YOU have to be the judge of which expert is correct or... you just pick and pray.

Good luck all.

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