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As part of my normal routine, I arrived home from work, changed clothes, and began sorting through the daily pile of mail left for me by my wife. "0% Interest"...chunk it; it and file it; more credit card offers...chunk'em; Hey, "I could be the lucky winner of $10 million"?...sweet! "What's this one?", I asked my wife. "That's his cap & gown order form" she replies. "Oh, OK...WHAT?!! Cap & gown?!! For MY son?!! It can't be! He's not old enough to...oh man, he is. Is it really that time? Where has the time gone? My "little boy" has grown up. Now I'm panicking! Did I miss anything? Did I remember to play catch? Did I remember to work with him on his delivery and his swing? Did I hug him enough after a great game, or a bad one? Did I remember to just "hang out" with him? Did I remember to just spend time being his buddy? Did I remember to talk to him about...well, you know. I had such a big "To Do" list, and THOUGHT I had plenty of time to get it done. Now, incredibly, the time is here and I'm hoping and praying that every item on the list has been checked off. Did I do everything that I was supposed to, or have I forgotten something? It's hard to fathom the fact that the little boy with the blue, plastic, 6 inch glove (which I still have) that I was playing catch with (seems like yesterday) is now about to move on to the next level. Man, I hope I didn't miss anything! It went by too quickly. Can't do anything now but hope and pray. Think I'll make a new "To Do" list: Every day, tell him I'm proud of him and that I love him. Maybe you'll do the same with yours.
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What an awesome post.

Along with the many things we are thankful for this Thanksgiving ... I am thankful, and hopeful, that we didn't forget too many things. Oh, we've forgotten a few, but hopefully not enough to damage him for a lifetime. Smile

And hopefully we remembered enough to give him the confidence he'll need as he takes the next steps towards adulthood. It has come so fast and caught us unprepared as parents to fully comprehand what his next step means for us too. The house will be a little quiter. It will probably be a little cleaner too. There will be less dishes, but less discussion about how everyone's day went. We can take the revolving door off its hinges and get a nice wood and glass door like the neighbors, but that just means the door won't be used like it used to. Hmmm? I think they might have to take me kicking and screaming into his next phase. Sounds very lonely for us parents. Confused
Nice post dadofones -- your longest ever, I believe. Cool I hope your "little" boy had a good day down south last week. Have a happy thanksgiving ---- let's have lunch soon....anything but turkey. Fastballmom -- keep having fun on Saturdays!

Oh...and dadofones...I think you and your wife did most things right...after all, he's willing to let you guys be his roomates for at least another year, right? Smile
Last edited by Panther Dad
Of course you missed something. We all do. We miss the day they became independent enough to make it on their own. I think it is one of those "can't see the forest for the trees" events. I appreciate your post and I think you have set a good example for many parents --- other than the cheap blue plastic glove. I think all sons should get an A2000 at birth. Big Grin
Last edited by Fungo
Excellent post! Made me realize, as my sons are younger, that there are lots of things more important than his swing thought or arm angle or anything else related to any sport. Namely the hugs and the hanging out and the telling them that I'm proud of them. Thank you for reminding us of the most important things to put on the to-do list.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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