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I'm with Ryno. Unfortunately, the young man has already been identified and embarrassed... thanks entirely to his father. Agree totally with board admins limiting that damage and protecting the player.  But there was a better and more equitable way to do so: original poster or admins could have deleted those posts which specifically identified the young man, without erasing everyone else's input arbitrarily. OP could have deleted any or all of his ill-advised posts... and the process of doing so might have been a healthy exercise for him. People should be accountable for their actions on this board.


Posts are deleted or shut down (ie frozen) too frequently here.

Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by rynoattack:

I think it is stupid to delete a thread.  

Well, those of us who aren't as smart as you just have to struggle along as best we can.


If it's stupid to delete a thread that has potential to embarrass a high school kid, I'll wear that label.


I am definitely above average intelligence, and I reserve the right to think it is ridiculous to delete a thread from a message board; and your snarky reply to my post does nothing to change my opinion.

Hopefully most of you know me here by now and, agree or disagree with anything that I might post, know that I do attempt to participate in a productive, responsible manner. I also generally speak my mind. My intention was not to slam the admins or the board... obviously I value the board greatly and enjoy participating on It. Swamp - No disrespect was intended.


That said, I stand firm with what I wrote previously. I considered it carefully before I posted it.  I respect the opposite viewpoints expressed since then and, again, I do respect the admins here.  On this particular subject, I may be in the minority... but regardless of that, I see deleting and freezing threads as unnecessary censorship and I believe that this diminishes the board to the extent that it goes on. Stepping off my soapbox now.

I would also like to add that if the moderator had explained the reason for the thread's removal, I would have understood.  However, the snarky response was uncalled for, and I still maintain my belief that entire threads should not be deleted.  Additionally, posts have been deleted in the past for other reasons than those given on this thread.  I don't think they should be deleted...

I see both sides of this one. On the one hand, the OP was foolish and embarrassing and I am glad that everything that publicly identified that unfortunate child  is gone. On the other hand, D-man's asinine behavior and the reactions it elicited could be instructive to the next person tempted to go that route.


But in the end it's hard to complain too much so long as this is a free service. If we were all paying membership fees that might be different.

Another issue I would point out, is the father is the father whether the thread is deleted or not.  Is this site just for parents and kids, or for the baseball world in its entirety.  If said father goes on a message board and disparrages coaches from an esteemed university, are you protecting everyone by deleting the entire thread.  No.  Why?  Because anyone who recruits this kid should know the baggage that comes with him.



Several points in response to your latest very harsh perspective:


1. This kid is not going to get recruited.

2. You don't use this site to warn colleges about "bad" parents. In college baseball, parents are a non-factor. The only issue is if the kid is good enough.

3. College coaches are adults and very experienced. They can figure out on their own what to look for. A kid is a kid and should never be penalized because of what you call a bad parent.

4. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I don't know anyone who does not have at least some windows made out of glass.

5. Compassion is a very good thing.

Last edited by jemaz
Originally Posted by rynoattack:


I am definitely above average intelligence, and I reserve the right to think it is ridiculous to delete a thread from a message board; and your snarky reply to my post does nothing to change my opinion.


Saying x is stupid is not to make an argument against it. It is to make an appeal to your own authority.  To tell us how smart you are is to double down on a strategy sure not to persuade.


Originally Posted by Soylent Green:

But there was a better and more equitable way to do so: original poster or admins could have deleted those posts which specifically identified the young man, without erasing everyone else's input arbitrarily. OP could have deleted any or all of his ill-advised posts... and the process of doing so might have been a healthy exercise for him.

Actually, the OP did cut his opening post to just one sentence: "My son was cut from the varsity team."  He deleted all of his other posts, causing the number of pages in the thread to go from 4 to 3.  After these deletions, the thread made little sense, and I don't think that any of the responses held much value.  However, since posters had quoted some identifying material, IMO more deletions or editing of multiple posts would have been necessary.


I completely support the decision to remove the entire thread.

Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by rynoattack:


I am definitely above average intelligence, and I reserve the right to think it is ridiculous to delete a thread from a message board; and your snarky reply to my post does nothing to change my opinion.


Saying x is stupid is not to make an argument against it. It is to make an appeal to your own authority.  To tell us how smart you are is to double down on a strategy sure not to persuade.


I don't need to tell you how smart I am, I just thought it was ridiculous that you made fun of my intelligence in your smart remark.


As far as calling something stupid not being an argument, it wasn't meant to be.  It was an opinion.


Originally Posted by jp24:

My 2 cents: It's not something we are proud of ... but it's human nature to slow down and gawk at a really bad accident in which people are killed on the highway.


We see it ... we mourn for a moment ... and we move on.


But if WE are driving and are in the accident -- and it's OUR OWN CHILD suffering, everything changes. When THAT happens,we stand over our child ... feel REAL PAIN, and beg others to move along.


This father needed us to move along.


Last edited by jp24

The owner of this site has a policy that if requested by the OP to delete the topic, then that is what is done.  This is her site and she makes the rules.  Swampboy was just doing his job (which he is not paid for), don't get on his case.

I used to be a moderator so I know that it is not an easy task. Although I contributed to the topic, I am glad it was deleted because I was concerned for his son, not for him.

Keep in mind folks, that posting on a message board, especially one that is privately owned, is a privilege, not a right.

Originally Posted by TPM:

The owner of this site has a policy that if requested by the OP to delete the topic, then that is what is done.  This is her site and she makes the rules.  Swampboy was just doing his job (which he is not paid for), don't get on his case.

I used to be a moderator so I know that it is not an easy task. Although I contributed to the topic, I am glad it was deleted because I was concerned for his son, not for him.

Keep in mind folks, that posting on a message board, especially one that is privately owned, is a privilege, not a right.

Understood. I think he could have stated the policy and that would have been the end of it, but instead he had to call me out personally, and I believe that was unnecessary.  

Originally Posted by Swampboy:
Originally Posted by James G:

Saw that the Dman thread was taken down.  Was away for awhile...can someone let me know if it was just deleted because it was getting old, or did someone get out of line? I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO DMAN

The thread was deleted at the originator's request.

He stated the reason, it was the second post in this topic.

I really don't think he had to explain further.

Calling the act stupid indirectly sounded like you were calling him stupid.





Last edited by TPM

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