My son is a 2018 who plays summer baseball. His high school season will go from late May through late July. He has been off baseball from Nov. 1 through Jan. 1 and just recently started throwing some and hitting on a more serious basis.
Last year, as a freshman, he pitched varsity and played third base and caught for his freshman team. His goal this year is to play full time for varsity, pitching, catching and third base.
Here's his dilemma.
We are trying to evaluate his options for spring, really focusing on where he will get the most opportunity to improve, versus be seen. Any thoughts on which option to pick (and let's be clear, he has good options, and that's cool) would be appreciated:
1. Attend a four-week camp at a D1 school two hours away, two nights a week for four weeks. He would have two 90 minute workouts, and a game situation every week in at a place where he might or might not want or qualify to play in college. He has met the coach and likes him, but we would be driving four hours a night in exchange for 90 minutes to three hours of baseball twice a week, and he would be essentially dropping basketball (which he isn't great at, but plays regularly) to do it. I lean toward this option.
2. Play with a travel team he played with last fall and enjoyed. Coaching was good. He can choose tournaments and leagues to participate in, he gets private lessons and class training as part of the package. He knows and likes many of the kids participating. He likes this option.
Pricing on both are the same. Time commitment is very different.
Any thoughts on what the best choice might be and why? Anything we're not thinking of?