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I know this is a rules and game situation format but I have a dilemma with player disrespect and welcome input. Friday I called a state AABC 18U game and had the plate. Called a batter out looking on a 3rd strike.

The player turned to me and said "are you f_ _ _ing sh_ _ting me". It was 3rd out and H. Coach was coming by me as it was happening and I told him that this player was ejected; he had heard the batter speaking to me.

H. Coach started screaming and ranting at me about my strike zone and then got derogatory so I ejected him. This coach was run ruled in the 6th inning.

My partner and I were changing in the parking lot after the game and a car pulled up near us; rolled down their window and flipped me off and sat there yelling "you f_ _ _ing suck blue". It was 3 players from the same team.

I have umpired 10 years of HS and off-season ball and can count on one hand the number of ejections during this time.

Dilemma: Should I let this incident slide or does it warrant at least reporting to the AABC?
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It needs to be reported. I have found that during summer ball, coaches and players are less well behaved than during the HS season where there are severe consequences for inappropriate behavior. Part of the problem is that some umpires do not eject when an ejection is totally warranted. This causes the ill behaved players and coaches to believe they can get away with abusing officials which only causes the next officiating crew to have to deal with this behavior. In my opinion, you do not have to take this abuse and need to send the message that this behavior will not be tolerated.
Dilemma: Should I let this incident slide or does it warrant at least reporting to the AABC?

What would occur in my association would be a formal report to our UIC, which is required by the ejection/s alone.

UIC would follow up with the league admin.
There would not be further coverage of this team, perhaps leagues games until an acceptable outcome, concured by the UIC and board of the association. Just not acceptable.
Yep, you don't have to take that.

No reason for kids to act with that level of disrespect to an official. If the kid can't play the game under control then he needs to do something else.

My son was catching and was having a particularly bad day. Every passed ball resulted in a small obscenity coming out under his breath. At bat he got jammed and took one off the thumb while dribbling the ball back to the pitcher. He let loose an F bomb that the PU obviously heard.

In sympathy (Danny did just take one off the thumb) he only warned my son that he would be thrown out if he swore one more time but the Coach benched him after that incident. I personally made him go up to the PU after the game and apologize. Nothing was directed at the ump but there is no room for such language.

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