Originally posted by coachbyrd:
What are the pros and cons of having grass base paths between home and 1st and 3rd and home?
Now there’s a question that should elicit a lot of different answers.
A weak con for me would be that it bucks tradition.

I can’t see how it would be possible for a normal program with limited funds, to be able to keep the grass intact, unless the field use was minimal. The 3rd base line would likely hold up fairly well, but the 1st base line would have its grass pretty well beat up in just a few games, and there’d be no way to get it to recover during the season because grass grows too slowly.
Once the grass starts to get worn out, unless it’s a grass like Bermuda that spreads by sending out stolons, there’s no way the traffic areas won’t become lumpy and bumpy, depending on the severity, it will cause crazy bounces on bunts, and might cause injuries like a turned ankle. And when the grass gets thinner because of wear, weeds will have a perfect spot to grow because they normally are fast growers, and will quickly take over.