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Tommorow morning I will find out if I made the 9th grade team. At tryouts, I didn't hit well at all. I was 0-3 at the scrimmage but I did pitch well. I pitched a 1-2-3 inning with 2 strikeouts and a weak groundout. I was probably the 2nd or 3rd best pitcher there. My question is: Do Freshmen teams usually not cut pitchers even if they did terrible at hitting? How many pitchers does your Freshmen team keep?
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A lot has to do with how the coach makes up his team---many coaches at the frosh level want players that perform well on the mound, in the field and at the plate---many do not have the liberty of carrying players that are pitchers only

Not trying to cut you down son but these are the cold facts---all coaches do not do the same thing
Whether you make the team or not may depend on the size of the roster. The smaller the roster, the more need for multi talented players. The tail end of rosters is often a tossup between players. If you impressed with your pitching it could swaya decision in your favor. However, who you struck out may have a bearing on the impression you made with the coach. If you struck out Rusty Gate and Kay Alot the coach may not have been impressed.

The part of the process you had in your control was how you prepared for tryouts and how you performed in tryouts. Now it's out of your control. All you can do is wait. Good Luck.
Last edited by RJM

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