OK, I'm bracing myself for the scoffing to be heard, but I just bought a Flip video camera for about $110 (search the web, I got this from a company called something like P.C. Richards), they normally run as high as $180 or so.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is that if you are looking for an extremely simple way to capture a few seconds of form filming at the cages, or if you can get relatively close at a game, this Flip camera is the bee's knees.
It comes with very simple to use built in editing software that you get at by simply plugging the included USB plug to your computer.
If you are like me and trying to figure out how best to capture snippets for a site like berecruited.com, or for combination into a series of shots for posting to YouTube or Facebook, VERY EASILY, you should check this camera out.
I used it last night from the stands at a basketball game and the result was quite acceptable. Not professional by any means, but for a quickie look by a busy coach, it should fit the bill.
More effective may be the ease with which you can shoot kids you might be coaching and then provide them with feedback on video without a whole lot of effort.
Just my two cents. Cost and simplicity were key benefits. Highly professional? no way. Great zoom? No. Good shots? YES!
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