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Tonight is an elimination game for the sox in terms of winning the division. The post season hopes of the sox will be determined in the next week.

If the Tigers split or better in this series, the sox will not win the division.

If the Tigers sweep the sox, the sox will not be in the playoffs.

The sox MUST win their next series with the Twinkies or they will not make the playoffs regardless of what happens in Detroit.

Just a week ago I thought things were looking up for the sox, but the Twins are not going away like I thought.

This has all the same feel to it as was when The Bears won the Super Bowl, we all thought it would happen again.
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Quite a treat & rather ironic listening to Hawk & DJ whine and moan endlessly about calls and things not going Sox way. Didn't they get a decade's worth of fortunate/wrong calls in their favor in October alone? I like their call of the game but weary of the 30 or so references each night to "last year".
05 was great but let it go. You'll NEVER see a run like that again, especially with the unreal (far superior to their career #'s before and since)pitching & all the good karma. Btw, where is so-called best and deepest staff in baseball?
Also, Ozzie & clubhouse not so loose and fun when their not launching 3 bombs a night and opponents don't foul off every mistake (last year) and line out to someone 5 times a night. Can never take away 05 but it'd be quite a choke-job to not make postseason after picking up Thome and having team healthy all year.
I'd take Sox future though vs. whats going on at Wrigley. Hoping I'm wrong but in 3-4 years both bad to mediocre and Sox drawing 19,000 on half price Mondays.
Gamer, the starters and their ever rising Era's are blah, blah, blah, blah, and Garland. I really do feel bad for them as they set the bar so high last season there was no way any staff could replicate that and now everyone asks "what's wrong"? They're just in a tough stretch now but I hope they throw better and hold on to wild-card so this fall isn't all Grossman/Griese debate.

The only part of your post (excellent BTW) that I'll comment on is the broadcast team. It was only a very short while ago when Hawk was forever slamming the Yankees as a team that just isn't any good. Those were his words. Yeah, he has run out of reasons why the 2006 team isn't doing the 2005 thing. But the constant harping on the umpires and the lucky hits that the opponents are getting almost on a nightly basis is just bush. Last year when the Sox got those big 2 out hits it was always timely hitting, great approach at the plate, etc. Now, at least for right now, the starting pitching is back to where many thought it would be, Pods is right back to his career numbers, maybe a little worse, and the offense of the Sox now looks to me like a long-ball based attack. Some things are clearly different than last year, namely the starting pitching and the bullpen woes, but if they make the Wild Card and get into those playoffs anything can happen. They're still the defending Champions and IMO a better team than the Twins.
Last edited by itsrosy
Denis and Rosy are two of the most objective baseball guys on this site. Both are big Cub critics, so don't think they believe The Cubs are better than the sox.

Everything they said about the sox and the hawk were very much on point. Sox fans can look at reality or believe that The Emperor is wearing clothes...their choice.

I love listening to the hawk when things aren't going right.....all of his credability goes right out the window. It's lucky hits and umps that beat the sox every time by his commentary.

Your must read my posts with very dark glasses on. I've written nothing to indicate that I'm either jealous or envious of your team. Just some comments about Hawk and that I believe the Sox are the better team when matched against the Twins. Stop being so paranoid and thinking that everyone who doesn't bleed Sox black is rooting against you.

Hey Soxnole, check out and lo and behold a front page article about Mr. Ozzie by Gregg Doyel. I guess he must be a Cub fan also.
Last edited by itsrosy
rosy, After re-reading your post I admit I should not have included you in the "rant" column. Denis is a different story....and.... It's obvious that FB can't wait for the Sox demise.

On the other hand, don't pretend that it's not killing all 3 of you that the Sox are headed to the playoff's for the 2nd straight year.

Btw, we own the Tiger's and Hawk was right...the Yankee's were not a very good team when they swept us.
The Sox 'own' the Tigers?

Three weeks ago the Tigers had a 5.5 game lead. Today they still have a 5.5 game lead.......The Sox can beat the Tigers all they want, but who will have the home field advantage in the playoffs? And it isn't a stretch to say that by the end of this weekend the Sox will be on the outside of the playoff picture, fighting to get back in.

The Tigers are enjoying watching the battle for the Wild Card spot.
grateful....11 of 16.

You gotta admit we do own you.

Any short 5 or 7 game series will go to the Sox.

We just have to get there before the Twins do!

Glove Man....Baseball is a strange game of NY we didn't have it, in Detroit we found some, VS the pirhana's we lost it last night....crazy and strange but true!

Btw, how about those Stros....last years little league champs are this years also rans!!!!!!
Just returned from the Cell as a life long sox fan and more importantly a lifelong baseball fan, thought I would throw out a few questions for the faithful. Why did Brien Anderson not start tonight and last night, I like 10 as he is a local guy, but shouldn't anderson be your cf every night? Why is MaCarthy not starting at this point in time, feel free to move him in place of Garcia or Contreras. Did Sandy Alamar not know there was 2 outs early in the game while on first and a ducksnort down the rf line and he only made 2b? Why can't pods steal a base as he has in the past. Is he hurt and we don't know or just his short leads or a confidence issue? Why did Tadahito jog out his late hit to rf and then turn on the jets after Cuddyer made the error, aren't they taught like any LL player to think double until the outfielder stops them? Lew Ford sure runs that way, did you see him come around 1b in the late innings? Why does every team in the league know they can run on our pitchers, it is unbeleivable to watch the jumps they are getting on almost all of them. How many times will they let Uribe swing at a first pitch curve in the dirt and still start. Why was our closer throwing in the ninth down by a run. Just some thoughts after watching the game tonight, sure liked watching Dye come thru in the ninth after a few bad at bats, shame to loose again. Now that Detroit is hitting the skids for a while we sure aren't getting it done to close the gap.
Last edited by 2bagger
I'll give it a go.

I share your frustration with the cf situation. Simply put it cost us the game last night.At least 1(Rondell White's) of the 2 over Mack's head would have been caught. Ozzie's biggest gaffe in 2006...cost us 5 games, minimum.

Imo, McCarthy is not necessarily the answer....yet. Vasquez, Beuehrle and Garcia are fine...if not great...for now. Contreras must get his $hit together, fast or McCarthy is in.

I thought that with 2 outs Alomar was correct in stopping at 2nd.

Wish I knew whats up with Pods...but, I don't...good question.

My pet peeve as well with the lack of all out hustle. On the other hand you are now seeing the difference between the drug induced hustle of many years (can you think "Pete Rose" without thinking "Charlie Hustle" or "Greenies")and the wear and tear on a body trying to play 24 straight day's immediately after playing 110 games in 120 days.....without drug induced (HGH,Testosterone,uppers,greenies, etc.)help. Back to the Iguchis case he is rested often and should step it up a little.

Lew Ford, btw should be hustling as he is very well rested...except for bench sores.

Holding runners is Cooper's fault...after last year there was no excuse not to have improved in that department. He's still 1 of the best but letting the league run wild is his/Ozzie's responsibility as much as any starter.

Uribe is Uribe...1 of the best SS all around, in the game. He is twice the defensive player that Cintron is...and Cintron is solid, if not spectacular, like Uribe.

Jenks was in, down 1 because that is Ozzie's way...he felt we would score in the 9th and he was right.

Food for thought:

Castillo won the game for the Twins in the 9th, making a sensational play against Pods.

AJ's selfish 3-2 cut (swinging like the "Babe") on a 3-2 pitch that was a total "(ock shot" in the 8th cost us dearly. Good at bat but the 1 selfish HR cut could have been slapped into the OF for a 2 RBI single.
soxnole, I agree with regards to castillo was the game winner as my son and I talked about it on the way home. As far as Sandy holding wasn't my problem it was the way he ran the bases, 2 outs and a ducksnort right field line and he ran most of the way looking over his shoulder as opposed to taking off hard and making them hold him up. Lew Ford, and bench sores, I think he has been injured some this year but I am not sure, but I like the way he plays when he gets the chance and he has always hurt the sox. By the way I wish I had been good enough to get sores from riding the bench at the major league level. I agree about Uribe and thought he was the unsung hero last year with the defense he displayed or you never win all those 1 run games. Don't know where his errors are this year but he seems to play sloppier and I can't stand watching him hit. By the way don't think most people would have picked up on castillo play being the game winner but it sure was.

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