We have had quite a few years of sending our son off to baseball fields and towns including Alaska and the Cape. He has spent time in Yakima, WA (first pro summer), South Bend, IN (second pro year), Tucson, AZ (spring training), and Lancaster, CA (which oft times feels like a foreign country if you are from other SoCal locations). But after visiting him and his lovely wife for a week in Mobile, AL I found this past good-bye so very difficult ... shed more tears on the way to the airport than usual, shed tears again on the plane, and am still tearing up periodically when I think of him. My best guess is that IF we get to go back to see him, it won't be for at least 2 1/2 or 3 months, if we even do go back (something about hurricane season and difficulty with the air travel for me) ...
Anybody else find themselves in the same situation where you feel sadder than usual even when you have been in similar situations with your children? Is it the distance? The time between visits?
Fortunately AJ and his wife live in So Cal during the off season and that makes it a little easier but I still feel so sad ...