Have a son who participted in a showcase very recently. He ran the 60 yd dash ( usually runs a 6.3 or 6.5). Ran with three other boys all individually timed at the same time. My son beat them all with the closest boy being about 5 yards behind. My son was told he clocked in at 7.3. ( hhhmmm,..very odd and unual,..but we shrugged and took it. ) The boy behind him was told he was clocked in at 6.8. Ok,...so there's the problem,..obviously a mistake was made somewhere. My son asked his timer about it and the timers response was " I'll fix it ". Hmmm,..not sure what that means. Here's the big question: How much does the time weigh with the scouts? Could it be an eliminatng factor? We are new to this. He did great hitting both ways and was rock solid in his fielding. He had a great time meeting other kids too,..BUT,..as you all know these showcases are not cheap. Should we have asked for another run? We let it go and moved on,..but dont know what the normal procedure is in this kind of situation for the future if something like this happens again,...any suggestions? Thoughts? Personal experience advice? Trying to learn the ropes.
Come on ol' timers,..fill this newbie in. You are the masters of the diamond and we look forward to hearing from you guys! Thankssoo much!